Kennard Slaves
Age of Slaves as Recorded in Papa's Book
Sometimes we're lucky enough to happen across a piece of old paper that no longer has any meaning for us but can and does have a lot of meaning for others. Here are two such papers. These were found in the things of Elizabeth Kennard Watson and look to be copies of the slaves' birthdates that were recorded by her father. I hope someone can use them. They were contributed by Sara Watson.Papa, as in "Papa's Book", was Taylor Elijah Kennard (born 1847 Pickins Cty, AL) moved to Rusk Cty Tx abt 1852, lived near Pirtle. (He moved to Longview in 1874 and worked in various enterprises - was post master during Cleveland administration.) His father was Charles Henry Kennard (died June 29, 1860 / buried in Rusk County).
Page 1 Adaline - born in Oglethorpe City Ga - 1820 died Dec 24 1856 Tabor - " " " " " 1823 Richard " " Madison Cy. Ala. April 1 1824 Adaline's children Peter - born Miss - July 29 1836 - April 1837 Lucinda " " Feb 6 1838 Parris " Noxuby Cy Miss May 9 1841 - July 1842 George - " Pickens Co Ala May 3 1842 - Lewis " " Co " Apr 1846 - Mary Jane " " " Ap 1848 Green Brown " Rusk Co - June 18 1853 Franklin Pierce " " " - July 25 1855 Tabor's Children Madison born - Noxuby Miss - Nov 19 1840 Caroline " Pickens Co Ala - Mar 10 1842 - Dec 1842 Robert " " " " Mar 1844 - Page 2 Richmond Pickens Co Ala Sept - 1845 Harriett Myriah - Noxuby Co Miss Aug 1848 Susan Ann - Rusk Co Tex Jan 6 1853 John " " " Feb 7 1855 Benjamin " " " Apr 15 1858Click the images to enlarge them. Right click to save them.