Estate of Margaret Grigsby

(partial transcription)
Estate of Margaret Grigsby, deceased (Probate Book J, pg 89)

Petition for Letters:
The State of Texas, County of Rusk.
In the Probate court July Term 1863; to the Hon. AJ Smith, Chief Justice of said county, the petition of Levi Compton, a citizen of Rusk County & State of Texas, respectfully shows into your _____ rec'd on or about the 17th day of June 1863 Mrs. Margaret Grigsby departed this life. Intested being at the time of her death a resident citizen of said county and State and being seized & ______ of an estate both real and personal situated in said County and State, your petitioner therefore prays your Honor that the necessary (?) notice be given that he be appointed administrator of the estate of the said Margaret Grigsby, and the next term of your honorable Court for the purpose of paying the debts of said estate, and distributing the residual effects (?), if any there be, according to laws and as in duty bound he will ever pray be.
Thomas Smith, for Levi Compton

Estate of Mrs. Margaret Grigsby, Petition for Letters
Filed July 10th 1863, JN Still ccc Rusk County

Whereas Levi Compton has filed his petition in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Rusk county, praying to be appointed administrator of the estate of Margaret Grigsby, deceased, Notice is therefore hereby given to all persons (?) interested to be and appear at the next term of the county court of Rush County, pertaining to the estate of deceased person and to be holden [sic] on Monday the 27th day of July AD 1863 at the court house of said county, then and there to show cause, if any they can, why said application should not be granted.
Henderson, July 16th 1863 JN Still ccc Rusk Co.
Estate of Margaret Grigsby, Notice filed July 27, 1863; JN Still, ccc Rusk Co.

July Term, 1863
Estate of Margaret Grigsby, Deceased:
And now at this term of the court the application of Levi Compton praying the court that he may be appointed administrator of the estate of Margaret Grigsby dec'd coming on to be acted upon, and it appearing to the Court that the requisite notice of said application has been given according to the law, and that there is no opposition there to, It is ordered by the court that said Levi Compton to be appointed...

[Pg 90]
...administrator upon said estate; upon his entering into bond conditions as the law requires in the sum of eight thousand dollars.

The State of Texas, County of Rusk
Know all men by these presents that we Levi Compton as principal and LS Compton, Webster Flanigan and Frank Cook as sureties are held and firmly bond unto the Chief Justice of said county in the sum of eight thousand dollars for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, executors, and administrators, jointly and severably, firmly by these presents - Signed and Sealed with our Seals, the seals being ascribed (?) this the 3rd day of August AD 1863. The condition of this application is such that the above bound Levi Compton has been appointed by the Chief Justice of Rusk County administrator of this estate of Margaret Grigsby, deceased, Now the said Levi Compton shall well and truly perform all the duties required of him by law under said appointment, then this obligation shall be null & void, otherwise to remain in full force & effect.
L. Compton
L.N. Compton [same man signed twice]; Webster Flanigan; Frank Cook
I approve this bond, Aug the 11th 1863 AF Smith, Chief Justice

I do solemnly swear that Margaret Grigsby deceased died without leaving any lawful will, as far as I know and believe, and that I will well and truly perform all the duties of administrator of the estate of the said Margaret Grigsby to the best of my skill and ability so help me God.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 13th day of August, AD 1863 - J Still, ccc Rusk Co.
Estate of Margaret Grigsby, Bond Filed August 13th 1863; J Still, ccc Rusk County

[pg 91]
State of Texas, County of Rusk
In the County Court, July Term AD 1863
To all whom the presents shall come, know ye that Levi Compton, having filed his petition in the offices of the clerk of the county court, praying to be appointed administrator of the state of Margaret Grigsby, deceased, late of the State of Texas, and County of Rusk, who died, seized and prospered (?) of diverse goods and chattle rights and credits within said State of Texas, and the said Levi Compton having given bond conditions as the law requires in the sum of eight thousand dollars and we being desirous that the said estate may be well and faithfully administered, kept and preserved, do hereby grant unto the said Levi Compton of the State and County first above mentioned, full power as Administrator of said estate to ask for, recover, and receive all the effects of said estate, to make perfect and just inventory of the same, and to furnish at all times when therewith legally required, a just account of the same, administration, And the said Levi Compton is hereby and by these presents constituted and appointed administration of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits, land and tenements of the said Margaret Grigsby, deceased
In writing whereof I have caused the Seal of the county court of Rusk county to be herewith affixed at office in Henderson on the 13th day of August AD 1863
AF Smith, Chief Justice, Rusk County, Texas

Test, JN Still, Clerk County Court, Rusk County
Estate of Margaret Grigsby _____ of Letters, Filed Aug 13th 1863

Court to Appraise:
The State of Texas, County of Rusk
To the Sheriff of said County: Greeting. Whereas at the July term of the county court, pertaining to the states of deceased. Foreswear and order was made McAulty (?), AB Caddell, & Levi Compton that they proceed forewith to appraise the property belongs [sic] to the said estate and that they make due return thereof under oath to this court within sixty days, _____ fail not and due return make how you have executed the same.
Know under my hand and seal of said [pg 92] county at office in Henderson, this the 13th day of August AD 1863

Estate of Margaret Grigsby, Aps'd Aug 15th 1863 JN Still, ccc Rusk County court, of appraisements, JN Still ccc Rusk County
We accept service on the within commission (?) - August 28th AD 1863
AB Caddell, LF Compton, James McAulty
Filed August 31, 1863 - JA Still ccc Rusk County

Order August 5 1863
Estate of Margaret Grigsby, dec'd:
Now comes Levi Compton, administrator of the estate of Margaret Grigsby dec'd and presents to the court the Inventory & appraisement of the property of said decedent, together with a list of claims belonging to said estate which being examined and considered of by the courts I ordered to be received and recorded. The Said administrator also presents to the court his application sell the following perishable property to wit: about 19 head of stock cattle, three head of beef cattle, seventeen head of hogs, nine head of sheep, one bay ,are, one yoke of oxen, one wagon & fixtures, three beds and furniture, one table & tin ware, bees wax, one clock & mirror, show tools, lasts (?) & leather, wool rolls, chairs, one trunk, kitchen furniture, farming tools, bee queens, one pair cotton cards, about forty bushels of corn (ungathered), and about five bushels of wheat, which application being considered of by the court is granted. It is therefore ordered by the court that said administrator on the 13th day of September 1863 at the late residence of said decedent in Rusk County, TX, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, also the aforesaid property on a credit of twelve months from that date requiring of the purchasers writs (?) with good, solvent security.

Inventory of the property and effects belonging to the state of Margaret Grigsby, dec'd:
[Names spelled as best as I could read]
[pg 93 - AJ Lockridge note]
  Cash on Hand (in Spieces) 6.15   
  Confederate Notes 280.00   
  DG Anderson, JM Anderson& LD Garrison note 25.00   
  Interest from April 1st 1861 to Aug 30/63 12 per cent 17.61 ½
  AJ Lockridge, LF Compton, JM Lockridge note 7.00   
  Interest from 16th April 1861 to Aug 20/ 63 12 per cent 1.96   
  JM & JC Garrison note 53.36   
  Interest from Jan 1st/ 62 to Aug 20/63 12 per cent 10.88   
  SR Burk & Wm Brondy note 25.00   
  Interest from Jan 1st/ 62 to Aug 20/ 63 10 per cent 4.10   
  AK Vansickle note 60.00   
  Interest from Jan 1/ 62 to Aug 20/ 63 12 per cent 11.80   
  LJ Grahams note 47.87   
  Interest from Jan 1st/ 61 to Aug 20/ 63 10 per cent 13.79   
  L Compton's note 3.30   
  Interest to Aug 20/63 10 per cent 0.18   
  LZC Wheat's note $25 left on credit of $1360 11.40   
  Interest from Dec 13/ 60 to Aug 20/63 10 per cent 5.10   
  WF Cooks note 13.60   
  Interest from July 7th/ 62 to Aug 20/ 63 8 per cent 1.22   
  LF Compton, on account, 1861 12.30 ½
  GW Grigsby    "   1860 1.92   
  Ira Grigsby    "   1862 13.48   
  JDW Simmons    "   1861 3.70   
  AN Grigsby    "   1862 14.00   
  Piannah E. Cook    "   1863 3.25   
  GW Grigsby    "   1863 3.00   
  Delilah Grigsby    "   1863 3.13   
  Mary Ann Grigsby    "   1863 2.00   
  Mary Ann McCrary    "   1863 2.00   
  GW Grigsby/ Sorrel Mare $150/ trunks $2 (former appointment) $152.00   
19  Head Stock Cattle 212.00   
Beef Steer 80.00   
17  Head Hogs 85.00   
Head Sheep 72.00   
Bay Mare 275.00   
Yoke Oxen 150.00   
Wagon & Fixtures 200.00   
Beds & their Furniture 195.00   
  Table & tin ware 42.00   
  Beeswax 5.00   
  Clock & Mirror 8.00   
  Kit of show tools, lasts (?) & leather 23.00   
  Wool Rolls 10.00   
  Chairs 5.00   
  Trunk 2.50   
  Kitchen Furniture 50.00   
  Farming Tools 8.00   
  Bee Queens 10.00   
Pair Cotton Cards 10.00   
182  Acres of land, Homestead Place 600.00   
680  Acres land in Cook [sic] County 850.00   
40  Bushels of corn/ more or less/ at $2 per bushel 80.00   
        "          wheat    "           ;   "           $3    " 15.00   

[pg 94 at Bee Queens]

The State of Texas, County of Rusk
This day personally came before me the undersigned authority LF Compton and AB Caddell who after being by me duly sworn say on oath that the foregoing is a true & correct inventory and appraisement of the property of the estate of Margaret Grigsby dec'd all of which was community property belonging to said Margaret Grigsby and her deceased husband, SM [Solomon M] Grigsby.

Sworn & Subscribed before me on the 29th day of Aug 186 [sic]
AB Caddell/ LF Compton

To Hon AH Smith Chief Justice of Rusk County, the undersigned adm. Of the estate of Margaret Grigsby, dec'd, hereby reports the foregoing as a full and complete inventory & list of the property & claims of his intestate that has come to his knowledge and that the report & affidavit of the appraisers exhibit the true state of said estate, as far as this affidavit is advised, with this addition and qualification to wit: that the sorrel mare valued at $150 & the trunk at $2.50 affiant is informed was delivered by said Margaret Grigsby, at the prices aforesaid, as part of the portion of said community to which he would be entitled on final distribution.
Sworn to and subscribed before me 29th day of August 1863
L Compton, Adm.
Ben Smith, JP, R Co.

Estate of Margaret Grigsby, Inventory & Appraisement, & List of Claims, Filed August 31st 1863
JN Still, ccc Rusk Co.

Petition to Sell:
The State of Texas, County of Rusk; Probate Court, August Term 1863
Estate of Margaret Grigsby dec'd. To Hon AE Smith, Chief Justice of Rusk County, the undersigned as the adm of Margaret Grigsby, dec'd, respectfully states to your Honor that there are about nineteen head of stock cattle, 3 head beef cattle, 17 head of hogs, 9 heads of sheep, one bay mare, one [pg 95] yoke of oxen, 1 wagon & fixtures, 3 beds & furniture, 1 table & tin ware, beeswax, 1 clock & mirror, shoe tools, lusts & leather, wool rolls, chairs, 1 trunk, kitchen furniture, farming tools, bee queens & one pr. Cotton cards, about 40 bushels or corn more or less (ungathered), about five bushels of wheat all of which are contained in the inventory returned (?) which your petitioner believes ought to be sold in order to subserve (?) the interest of said estate Petitioner therefore asks your Honor to grant him an order to sell said property on the 15th Sep 1863 at the late residence of the deceased; and as he knows of no immediate use for money in the settlement of the affairs of said estate, he asks that said sale be made on a credit of 12 months.
Levi Compton, Adm, by J Smith, Atty

Estate of Margaret Grigsby, Petition to Sell perishable property, Filed August 31st 1863 - JN Still, ccc Rusk Co.

Order August 1863
Estate of Margaret Grigsby, Dec'd. Now comes Levi Compton Admin of the estate of Margaret Grigsby dec'd & presents to the Court the inventory & appraisement of the property of said decident together with a list of claims belonging to said Estate which being examined & considered of by the Court is ordered to be received and recorded ___ Said Admin also presents to the court his application to Sell the following perishable property to wit: about 19 head of stock cattle, three head of beef cattle, seventeen head of hogs, nine head of sheep, one bay mare and yoke of oxen and wagon & fixtures. Three beds & fixtures, one table & tin ware besides, clock & mirror, shoe tools lasts & leather, wool roll chairs one trunk, Kitchen furnitures, farming tools, Bee Queens and Pr Cotton cards, about forty bushels of corn ungathered & about five bushels of wheat which application being considered of by the court is granted it is therefore ordered by the Court that Said admin on 10th day of September 1863 at the late residence of Said decedent in Rusk County Texas proceed to Sell to the highest bidder all the aforesaid property on a credit of twelve months from that date requiring of the purchasers notes with good & solvent security.