Bane Cemetery
From Mt Enterprise, go north on US 259 about 1 mile. Turn left onto FM 2496. Go about .4 mile and turn right onto CR 3168. Stay right at the fork and go to the intersection at CR 3146. The cemetery is on the left on a dirt track.I transcribed this cemetery from photos at the
Tombstone Photo page.
I don't know if it's complete. (survey below)
Gina Heffernan

B F B (probably BF Bane)
Bane, Alford D May 16 1887 - May 20 1981 h/o of JJ
Bane, Allen Hubert Aug 28, 1880 - Mar 11, 1947 h/o MM
Bane, Allen Ross 1914 - 1915
Bane, Andrew P Aug 6, 1906 - Nov 3 1906
Bane, Archie Sept 8 1905 - Jan 3 1906 d/o AP & FR
Bane, B F 1855 - 1894 h/o Mary
Bane, Charles 1868 - 1892 s/o JA & EJ
Bane, Clydie Faye Oct 10 1929 - Jun 23 1983 w/o JF
Bane, Jensie Jane Aug 17 1885 - Mar 11 1973 w/o of AD
Bane, John G 1858 - 1933 h/o LV
Bane, Lou V 1860 - 1897 w/o JG
Bane, Madgie M Dec 10 1884 - Feb 12 1920 w/o AH
Bane, Mary 1854 - 1937 w/o B F Bane
Bane, William Engram "Bill" Jan 27 1921 - Feb 8 1976 s/o of AD & JJ
Burrow, Matilda 1865 - 1908 w/o Ruff
Burrow, Ruff 1855 - 1919 h/o Matilda
Busby, Bloom B Jan 17 1882 - Dec 30 1969 w/o JW
Busby, Earl July 2 1913 - Jan 7 1918 "Brother" s/o Jim & Bloom
Busby, Era Jun 30 1904 - Nov 6 1906 "Sister" d/o Jim & Bloom
Busby, Jim W Feb 22 1872 - May 5 1947 h/o BB m. Jul 6 1901
Busby, Otice Oct 6 1917 - Feb 30 1971 s/o JW & BB
Chapman, Jack D Oct 26, 1933 - June 9, 2001
Gage, Thomas Rusk Sept 26, 1851 - Oct 27 1896 h/o EA