Buckner Cemetery

Lat 32.109638
Lng 94.603404
There are two catalogs of this cemetery in the Archives, an older one and a recent alphabetical one and there are photos at the Tombstone Photo site. Gina - 3/22/2008
Photographed and transcribed 3/16/2008 by Carolyn Green and Hayley & Michael Morris. (catalog below)
s/w = shares a stone with
s/o = son of
d/o = daughter of
w/o = wife of
m/o = mother of
FHM = Funeral Home Marker

Wylie, Jess Alvin 09/01/1908 02/12/1998 s/w Marguerite
Wylie, Marguerite 01/01/1910 01/15/2002 s/w Jess Alvin
Wylie, Ann 04/01/1939 one date d/o Alvin & Marguerite
Lanier, Ronnie Ray 08/12/1946
Wylie, Helen Langford 09/14/1915 04/07/2007
Wylie, John Buckner 01/25/1910 07/08/1984
Buckner, Eva 08/29/1875 12/30/1893 w/o T. J.
Hillin, Polly 01/29/1906 11/03/1982
Buckner, Martha 01/12/1856 01/29/1954
Buckner, J. E. 10/28/1853 02/12/1919
Buckner, M. E. 02/18/1828 12/25/1921
Buckner, A. W. 12/30/1828 06/22/1894
Buckner, A. K. 1855 1940 s/w Priscilla
Buckner, Priscilla "Missy" 1860 1937 s/w A.K.
Adams, B. M. 03/11/1857 06/20/1935 s/w Fannie B.
Adams, Fannie B. 08/25/1861 03/21/1933 s/w B. M.
Adams, Rembert H. 10/29/1883 07/09/1961
Buckner, John H. 03/10/1860 12/05/1893
Wylie child 11/13/1906 09/20/1908 d/o J.J. & Blanche
Wylie, J. J. 1880 1974 s/w Blanche
Wylie, Blanche 1885 1969 s/w J.J.
Wylie, Bill 10/02/1914 04/25/1917 s/o J.J.& Blanche
Wylie, Cleo 04/12/1916 05/29/1917 d/o J.J. & Blanche
Buckner, Allen H. 12/10/1893 08/14/1963 s/w Bessie R.,WWI
Buckner, Bessie R. 04/25/1895 11/06/1981 s/w Allen H.
Wylie, Jane 09/01/1922 02/28/1923 d/o Jess & Blanche
Wylie, Mable 12/10/1887 07/28/1888 d/o A.K. & Mabel
Owens, Mumfort Henry 07/31/1884 05/07/1891 s/o Jesse & Lela
Buckner, Virginia T. 03/10/1860 07/25/1877
Buckner, M. F. 10/30/1832 01/28/1891
Buckner, M. J. 07/16/1831 05/06/1872
Buckner, Martha M. 12/02/1868 06/14/1869 d/o M.J. & M.F.
Osburn, J. E. 12/21/1880 12/23/1897
Buckner, John S. 09/04/1800 05/11/1870 63 yrs,8mos,2 days
Buckner, M.T. no date 02/06/1874 aged 73 yrs
Jackson, May T. 07/27/1885 08/22/1896 d/o R.W. & M.M.
Jackson, R. W. 09/22/1846 01/01/1934
Concrete marker-no name
Lawrence, Robert G. 12/16/1880 05/24/1881 s/o L.J.& M.J.
Lawrence, Little Ernest 09/10/1880 06/08/1883 s/o L.J.&M.J.
Buckner, James S. 12/26/1859 11/06/1872 s/o A.W.
Owens, Era Frances 02/11/1889 11/16/1893
Buckner, James A. 09/24/1883 11/04/1961 s/w Sudie
Buckner, Sudie 09/10/1882 05/06/1964 s/w James A.
Buckner, Elizabeth 07/01/1885 02/24/1919 w/o J.A.
Buckner Infant 07/08/1952 07/08/1952 s/o Tom & Gerry
Buckner, Tom J. 01/03/1924 05/07/1960 WWII
O'Kelley, John L. 05/04/1904 03/03/1963 s/w Agnes C.,WWII
O'Kelley, Agnes C. 12/12/1907 08/07/1986 s/w John L.
Buckner, Frank H. 07/09/1911 03/12/1986
Buckner, Leonard H. 09/18/1905 07/18/1998 s/w Josie R.
Buckner, Josie R. 09/21/1906 10/16/1995 s/w Leonard H.
Pickron, Vivian C. 10/01/1918 03/25/2007 not sure of dates FHM
Hillin, May B. 05/21/1869 02/20/1966 s/w Thomas J.
Hillin, Thomas J. 08/22/1866 08/26/1945 s/w May B.
Ray, Katherine Lois 12/16/1916 07/12/1921 d/o M&M C.L. Ray
Shaw, Rosalie 11/10/1896 01/30/1917 w/o Dr. C. A. Shaw
Ray, Katherine Lois & Inf. 09/27/1894 12/16/1916 w/o C. L. Ray
Hillin, Thomas Jefferson 02/12/1889 04/28/1900 s/o T.J. & NE.
Lawrence, Blanche 10/03/1876 08/30/1877 d/o L.J. & M.J.
Lawrence, Homer B. 08/13/1875 09/18/1875 s/o L.J. & M.J.
Longmire, Dr. G. E. 03/21/1830 09/11/1881 Mason
Daniels, Betty Jean no dates d/o Jeff & Haskell
Hillin, Nora 09/22/1875 12/20/1932
Hillin, Garfield 03/04/1881 09/15/1950
Longmire, Mary 10/31/1810 11/10/1882 m/o Dr. S. Longmire
Longmire, Willie 1863 10/31/1882
Longmire, William 06/1812 07/12/1885 broken stone-hrd to rd
Smith, Jim 07/30/1923 no date s/w Peggy Ann
Smith, Peggy Ann 02/24/1927 10/04/1989 s/w Jim
Daniels, Haskell 01/19/1906 02/02/1976 s/w Jeff, WWII
Daniels, Jeff 02/19/1910 01/25/1989 s/w Haskell
Hillin, Pauline 09/14/1907 09/21/1992
Hillin, Byrle 04/11/1914 04/27/1998
Buckner, Arthur H. 1879 1950 s/w Cora L.
Buckner, Cora L. 1881 1936 s/w Arthur H.
Buckner Infant 09/29/1906 10/10/1906 d/o A.H. & Cora
Infant, no name no dates
Watson, Charles H. 1914 2003 s/w Ruth
Watson, Ruth 1911 1938 s/w Charles H.
Watson Infant stone no dates
Smith, Joe L. 1887 1963 s/w Willie H.
Smith, Willie H. 1892 1952 s/w Joe L.
Watson, Johnnie C. 09/17/1912 08/13/1973 s/w Adele
Watson, Adele 03/14/1916 02/05/1988 s/w Johnnie C.
Buckner, Arthur Washington 10/10/1898 05/18/1973 s/w Mattie Mae
Buckner, Mattie Mae 07/28/1901 08/03/1980 s/w Arthur Washington
Gary, Cecile B. 08/24/1890 02/05/1987
Hillin, Jack A. 12/13/1903 11/19/1976 s/w Hallie Darby
Hillin, Hallie Darby 12/12/1905 03/11/1964 s/w Jack A.
Hannah, Martha A. 10/12/1834 03/06/1896
Hannah, W. M. 08/1833 08/11/1887
Guinn, Arthur M. 12/04/1884 09/05/1885 s/o W.A. & F.M.
Guinn Infant 09/15/1901 10/18/1901 s/o F.M. & W.A..
Duran, John 01/31/1909 11/13/1959 s/w Bertie Mae
Duran, Bertie Mae 09/04/1912 06/05/2006 s/w John
Duran Infant no dates d/o M&M John Duran
Sowell, Rann Hillin 11/22/1912 11/08/1998
Rhodes, Rebecca Jane 08/27/1851 06/26/1882 w/o Thomas E.
Smith, Burl C. 11/16/1907 09/19/1966 s/w Wincie C.
Smith, Wincie C. 03/01/1908 no date s/w Burl C.
Arnold, Gregory Wayne 11/20/1961 08/13/1994
Arnold, Robert Dean 11/19/1934 10/05/1991 KOREA
Arnold, Bill 08/07/1899 07/08/1980 s/w Louise G.
Arnold, Louise G. 11/22/1903 09/05/1991 s/w Bill
Nelson, Myrtis L. 10/20/1915 11/12/1998
Nelson, Viola M. (Jerry) 05/23/1923 06/17/1984 s/w Richard E.
Stroud, Marjorie D. Nelson 06/05/1927 07/13/1966
Nelson, Joseph Milburn 05/06/1889 04/03/1976 s/w Maude Buckner
Nelson, Maude Buckner 12/10/1887 07/15/1972 s/w Joseph Milburn
Four markers from previous transcriptions that I did not find when I
photographed the cemetery:
Hillin, Martha A. 10/12/1834 03/06/1896
Jackson, Martha Marie 04/14/1851 11/17/1927 w/o R.W.
Jackson, W. F. 10/13/1874 01/05/1897 s/o R.W. & M.M.
Wylie, Pearl 01/05/1912 04/08/1915 d/o J.J. & Blanche
These markers were either missed by my team or they have possibly been
covered over by grass and are no longer visible.