Gatlin - Matlock Cemetery
From Mt Enterprise, go west on Hwy 84 and turn left (south) onto SW 5th St (CR 3207). Go 1 block and turn right (west) onto Gatlin Cemetery Rd. Go about .3 mile and turn left (south) into driveway with cemetery sign.I transcribed this cemetery from photos located on the
Tombstone Photo
page. It should be complete.
Gina Heffernan (catalog below)
Lat 31° 54.716
Lng 94° 41.733
There is a 1973 transcription in the Archives and photos on the Tombstone Photos site.

Allen, Mrs Nettie Feb 1852 ?
Burrows, Josiah 1820 ca1901
Burrows, Mary Ann 1818 ca 1893 m 4/22/1847 w/o Josiah
Clifton, R E C 1/10/1830 4/10/1904
Colleton, R I (I couldn't read this stone)
Gatlin, Alice 4/4/1859 6/15/1925
Gatlin, B H 11/19/1901 2/1/1979
Gatlin, Benny Halbert 7/29/1937 3/27/1987 AD3 US Navy Korea
Gatlin, Bird 8/2/1854 2/20/1939
Gatlin, Bonnie Blanche 8/23/1873 3/13/1901
Gatlin, Caroline 1821 1868
Gatlin, Cora M Smith 2/19/1901 5/9/1971
Gatlin, Edward V 1819 1883 Co A 2 Texas Inf CSA
Gatlin, Emily Jane 11/27/1937 3/10/1938 d/o WA & Maud
Gatlin, Estell 12/1/1880 11/7/1954
Gatlin, James Edward 10/9/1876 9/3/1960
Gatlin, James Henry 12/14/1843 2/18/1907
Gatlin, James R "Sam" 8/27/1921 (one date)
Gatlin, Joe A (Mrs) 10/28/1842 3/28/1922
Gatlin, Lonnie B 1/20/1894 2/9/1948
Gatlin, Major Bird 7/25/1886 2/28/1962
Gatlin, Martha A 9/22/1881 (one date)
Gatlin, Martha Jane Birdwell 6/22/1876 2/2/1933
Gatlin, Mary Birdwell 9/14/1874 7/2/1939
Gatlin, Maude Mae 3/26/1896 11/14/1976
Gatlin, Nellie G 8/5/1878 (one date)
Gatlin, Ralph U 7/6/1914 11/8/1965
Gatlin, Sarah Irene 12/27/1923 11/9/1998
Gatlin, Sarah J 1844 1876
Gatlin, Walter M 12/31/1875 4/23/1973
Gatlin, Wilburn A 7/16/1888 3/6/1971
Gatlin, William Ernest "Judge" 5/10/1904 2/2/1972
Grayson, Savannah C 2/1/1861 4/14/1885 w/o JL
Green, William Alton 9/20/1908 7/19/1953
Gross, James D 6/29/1925 8/15/1991
Gross, Martha J Gatlin 5/11/1927 12/29/1991 m. 9/20/1944
Haltom, R L Mrs 3/9/1797 4/30/1868
Haltom, William 6/3/1792 8/15/1869
Hearn, C R 1/24/1814 2/23/1890
Ivy, Rebecca Jane Burrows Apr 21 1858 Jan 03 1880
Lawson, Nettie Allen Mrs 2/29/1852 (one date)
Madden, Estell 12/1/1880 11/7/1954
Madden, Frank M 10/6/1911 10/1/1912
Madden, Maggie 5/11/1883 8/18/1953 s/o EB & Maggie
Matlock, Albert L 9/29/1894 3/11/1926
Matlock, Bonnie A 9/10/1884 1/9/1886 d/o CL & LB
Matlock, Carry Elizabeth 1885 1888
Matlock, Claiborne P 1/15/1822 5/31/1910
Matlock, G M 8/18/1854 9/8/1854
Matlock, Infant of CP & ME 1855 1856
Matlock, Infant of SH & SJ 1892-1893
Matlock, J M No dates Co E 11 Texas Inf CSA
Matlock, J T 6/20/1852 7/8/1853
Matlock, James Haltom 8/20/1903 12/20/1932
Matlock, L J 12/9/1824 1/20/1906
Matlock, Lizzie B 8/6/1887 7/11/1889 d/o CL & LB
Matlock, Lucy Jordan 3/27/1884 12/31/1965
Matlock, Lundy Belle 2/10/1868 5/7/1961
Matlock, M J Mrs 9/2/1824 12/10/1893 w/o LJ
Matlock, Maggie M 8/30/1888 7/29/1889 d/o CL & LB
Matlock, Margaret Elizabeth 9/15/1828 10/8/1906
Matlock, Martha J 2/19/185? 7/5/1907 (stone is broken)
Matlock, Thomas Jefferson 1845 1881
Matlock, W R 1/29/1883 3/5/1926
Matlock, W T 11/2/1858 9/24/1863
Nixon, Mamie Lena 4/29/1890 7/31/1932 w/o TH
Smith, Infant of SR & MA 1890-1891
Smith, Mary Ann Matlock 7/15/1865 2/1/1905
Wallace, Mary Birdwell 9/14/1874 7/2/1939