Harmony Hill Cemetery

I transcribed this cemetery from photos at the
Tombstone Photo
page. I don't know if it is complete.
Gina Heffernan
Historical Marker:
The original two acres of land on which this cemetery is located were
donated by John W. Kuykendall in 1852. At the time of the cemetery's founding a
large rock marked the grave of J. W. Hall, who was buried here in 1844. His is
the oldest grave in the cemetery. Subsequent land donations have increased the
size of the graveyard, which has been maintained by the Harmony Hill Cemetery
Association since 1882. Those interred here include early settlers and county
leaders, as well as veterans of the Mexican War, Civil War, World War I, World
War II, and Vietnam.

Adams, Cidney W 7/4/1854-1/25/1938 s/w Bettie
Adams, Bettie Jones 8/20/1858-1/13/1939 s/w Cidney
Adams, Wilton T 7/29/1924-4/15/1998 CPL US ARMY AIR CORP WWII
Carter, Alex 4/13/1840-9/24/1902 TEXAS, 1ST SCT TRP B 3 TEXAS CAV, CSA
Deckhard, O d. 10/15/1894?? age 2YRS [photo almost illegible]
Deckhard, William 5/13/1813-5/21/1881
Deguerin, Celia Bell Adams 8/17/1884-5/24/1911 w/o M. C.
Dollahite, Tennessee 6/12/1832-11/8/1916 w/o W. A.
Dollahite, W A 2/18/1823-9/17/1901
Dunklin, H 7/11/1819-4/19/1900
Dunklin, Syntha 6/3/1822-3/2/1890 w/o J. H.
Findley, Bertha B 1/28/1878-12/1/1930 s/w Richard
Findley, Hattie 5/15/1872-7/1/1892
Findley, Richard J 1/29/1870-11/28/1951 s/w Bertha
Garrison, C W d. 12/1?/1859 s/o ZP & EH
Garrison, Fleming H 1824/1887 MAJOR CO C 14 TEXAS CAV MEXICAN WAR CSA
Garrison, Julian C 10/27/1883-9/4/1887 s/o CF & EA
Garrison, Sara W Lacy 1833-1875 w/o E. H.
Geter, Drucila 1837 (only date)
Gladney, Ann T 1/12/1839-9/30/1916 w/o J. P.
Gladney, Donald W 5/27/1851-8/4/18??
Gladney, M Christian Isabell 3/28/1838-3/7/1903
Gladney, J
Gladney, J P 2/4/18??-12/??/18?? MASON
Gladney, Jane R 10/23/1817-????????
Gladney, M L 5/1/1881-7/14/1884
Gladney, S R 7/17/1843-3/9/1894
Gladney, W M 7/25/1839-10/5/1892
Gothard, J M 6/14/1832-12/28/1908
Gothard, Missouri 7/22/1843-1/15/1926 w/o J. M.
Greenwood, Victoria d/o N & SL [dates buried]
Grey, Nancy K 1835-1852
Hall, J W 1844 "First Grave in Cemetery" [only date]
Harris, George V 1/17/1861-7/9/1912 WOTM
Harris, Sallie Lou 9/29/1866-12/24/1950
Hendrick, Allin Vince 10/10/1841-4/12/1899
Hendrick, Belle C 5/24/1847-3/4/1881 w/o A. V.
Hendrick, Infant 3/15/1905-3/16/1905 s/o JW & Lou Cook
Hendrick, Lou Cook 8/28/1880-3/20/1905 [died 4 days after infant]
Hill, Gilson F 4/28/1837-1/22/1884
Hill, Ida Cordelia Fielder 6/21/1840-5/24/1899 w/o G. F.
Jones, Amanda 3/5/1837-4/9/1920 s/w Stephen
Jones, F S 1/8/1864-1/31/1930
Jones, Stephen 3/10/1835-10/27/1810 s/w Amanda 17 TEX MTD CAV Civil War
Jones, S R 10/1/1887-6/31/1889 [sic] s/o SF & LV
King, Hannah 1/31/1846-6/8/1896 "Mrs. H.F. King"
Kuykendall, Alvah M 8/27/1824-1/9/1884
Kuykendall, D R 1804-1860
Kuykendall, J A 6/15/1867-9/10/1887
Kuykendall, J A 1799-1881
Kuykendall, Locy 2/18/1883-10/12/1886
Kuykendall, Martha A d. 2/23/1886 [stone is broken through birth date]
Kuykendall, M L [stone illegible]
Langhorne, Margret M 10/??/18??-2/16/1882 w/o J. M. [stone is broken through birth date]
Logan, Milton M 2/24/1916-5/2/1969 TEXAS, PVT 1 INFANTRY, WWII
McCollum, Lucinda W 11/18/1799-12/16/1873
McMahon, Ida C Hill w/o W. T.
Menefee, Dr. A D 3/11/1865-6/12/1942 s/w Effie
Menefee, Effie 7/27/1865-10/20/1908 s/w A. D.
Menefee, Minnie Gladney 4/13/1873-1/20/1904
Miller, J P 10/29/1857-2/14/1883
Miller, Louisa J 12/13/1821-8/27/1880
Miller, Lola Tatum 5/21/1861-3/7/1936
Pepper, Josephine 1853-1929
Pepper, John W Jr 1/11/1869-5/2/1937
Pepper, J W 1845-1930
Pepper, John Wilson 1846-1930
Pepper, M T d. 5/12/1890 [only date] w/o J. W.
Pruitt, Andrew 1804-1859
Pruitt, Mary Drucilla 1813-1874
Pruit, Melissa Jane 10/15/1854 14yrs 3mos 23 days d/o Andrew & Drusilla
Reese, Jefferson 2/24/1875-3/8/1875
Shaw, Dr. A G 1827-1902 MASON
Shaw, Emma Caroline 1843-1921 w/o A. G.
Unknown d. 3/20/1874
Unknown [2 stones]
Unknown [E. R. B. & T. J. B. & 2 others]
Watt, Andrew d. 1882
Watt, Fannie 5/14/1884-1885
Watt, Griffith d. 1936
Watt, Jeanette 9/21/1875-1878
Watt, Jane d. 1921
Watt, Janie 1/14/1873-10/28/1945
Watt, James d. 1935
Watt, Robert d. 1918
Watt, Robert H 9/16/1882?-8/12/1913?
Williams, Henry 8/15/1815-3/9/1877
Williams, Irena 8/15/1812-6/9/1882 w/o Henry
Woodall, R B 1/5/1822-4/5?/1865 MASON
Wright, Infant 8/29/1906-9/10/1906 s/o TJ & ME
Wyatt, M M 12/25/1839-1/6/1901
Young, Minnie Belle Menefee 5/13/1892-11/5/1979 s/w Robert
Young, Robert E 11/6/1882-8/26/1954 s/w Minnie