Holleman Cemetery

April 7, 2007 Gina Heffernan
Partial catalog below from Carolyn Green
There is a complete catalog at the Cemeteries of Texas site and photos for the names listed below at the Tombstone Photo page.

m. = married
w/o = wife of
h/o = husband of
c/o = children of
d/o = daughter of
s/o = son of
WOTW = Woodmen of the World
Holleman, Louise 09/26/1920 06/16/2002 s/w Clarence D & Evelyn
Holleman, Clarence D. 11/01/1912 02/10/1977 s/w Louise & Evelyn
Holleman, Evelyn 09/28/1913 06/05/1935 s/w Louise & Clarence D.
Holleman, Robert Houston 09/30/1857 04/13/1941 s/w Nancy Jane Vaughn
Holleman, Nancy Jane Vaughn 02/24/1854 05/05/1936 s/w Robert Houston
Holleman, Alice J. 02/04/1892 01/11/1969 s/w Moody C. & Dee
Holleman, Moody C. 06/05/1890 02/24/1973 s/w Alice J. & Dee
Holleman, Dee 03/11/1893 11/02/1912 s/w Alice J. & Moody C.
Holleman, Lucy 03/18/1855 10/17/1917 s/w M. V. & Lou
Holleman, M. V. 01/07/1842 09/24/1927 s/w Lucy & Lou
Holleman, Lou 07/06/1848 02/11/1878 s/w Lucy & M.V.
Holleman, William Arthur 02/21/1817 01/23/1888 s/w Malinda Gwin
Holleman, Malinda Gwin 11/01/1819 03/19/1897 s/w William Arthur
Holleman, Josiah J. 1785 1962 s/w Jane Elliot & Josiah John
Holleman, Jane (Jennie) Elliot 1792 1869 s/w Josiah J. & Josiah John
Holleman, Josiah John 1826 1907 s/w Josiah J. & Jane Elliot
Allred, James Calvin 01/07/1848 10/05/1910
Holleman, Edward 1888 1918 s/w Arrie
Holleman, Arrie 1889 1975 s/w Edward
Holleman, Audie E. 09/04/1905 10/10/1988 s/w Lois L., WWII
Holleman, Lois L. 01/31/1913 01/28/1990 s/w Audie E.
Holleman, William P. 02/05/1887 05/03/1981 s/w Nannie Vaughn & Inf/dau
Holleman, Nannie Vaughn 02/25/1886 03/02/1967 s/w Wm P. & Inf. Dau
Holleman, Infant daughter 01/24/1913 01/25/1913 s/w William P & Nannie
Holleman, Homer L. 03/01/1893 04/05/1922
Holleman, Roe Thomas 09/27/1884 01/18/1912
Holleman, Inf son 02/14/1936 02/14/1936 s/o M&M I.T. Holleman
Holleman, W. C. 09/27/1882 07/29/1884
Clark, Hardie 12/21/1884 11/01/1886
Stanford, Cumile Holleman 1854 1885