McCune Cemetery
From Laneville, take FM 1798 east about 2.7 miles. Just after the hard left curve, the cemetery ison the left. It's about 1 mile east of FM 2496.
There are pictures at the
Tombstone Photo site.
April 4, 2007 Gina Heffernan (catalog below)
Lat 31.9721117
Lon -94.7782689
m. = married
w/o = wife of
h/o = husband of
c/o = children of
d/o = daughter of
s/o = son of
WOTW = Woodmen of the World
Bagley, Allen F 05/28/1928-07/11/1988 s/w Marie
Bagley, Mac Allen 10/11/1956-10/14/1956
Bagley, Marie 01/13/1925-? s/w Allen
Bohannon, Bertha E 2/10/1886-12/1/1892 d/o J M & S J
Bohannon, Ida D 02/10/1883-02/16/1883 d/o J M & S J
Bohannon, L N 11/20/1871-02/10/1875 s/o J M & S J
Johnson, Cora Lee 09/26/1884-08/14/1960
Johnson, Infant Daughter 1928 d/o W J
Johnson, Jessie Colie 01/03/1889-06/02/1968 s/w Wilson
Johnson, John Harley 02/20/1923-08/26/1923
Johnson, Thomas L 01/30/1894-09/13/1957 TEXAS PVT 27 CO 165 DEPOT BRIG WWI
Johnson, Wilson J 11/10/1884-01/29/1938 s/w Jessie
Jones, Billy Joe 12/26/1941 (only date)
Jones, Chester C Jr 09/25/1918-06/21/1920 s/o C C
Jones, Gracie T 01/07/1909-04/06/1980 s/w Oscar
Jones, Oscar O 07/12/1898-07/03/1980 s/w Gracie m. 10/13/1932
McCune, Alice F 04/07/1896-08/16/1896 d/o W O & M F (dates are hard to read)
McCune, Bessie Mae 01/17/1912-04/01/1986 s/w Walter
McCune, Delila S 11/23/1829-10/19/1899 s/w James
McCune, Delilah E 01/15/1890-03/31/1896 d/o W O & M F (dates are hard to read)
McCune, Dewitt H 12/25/1925-03/05/1990 s/w Norma m. 04/03/1950
McCune, Dewitt 10/31/1891-01/01/1954 s/w Hester
McCune, Hester 12/31/1896-02/13/1959 s/w Dewitt
McCune, Homer M 10/22/1918-05/28/2000
McCune, James H 06/06/1880-06/01/1886 s/o W O & M F (dates are hard to read)
McCune, James Leanard 07/19/1870-03/03/1941 s/w Sarah m. 12/26/1895
McCune, James Lenard 02/?1/1902-09/26/1987 s/w Kate
McCune, James 03/11/1816-1876 s/w Delila S
McCune, James T 10/16/1933-? s/w Wanda m. 11/23/1957
McCune, John B "Buddy" 11/04/1918-01/25/1982
McCune, Kate Elizabeth 06/16/1897-05/15/1979 s/w James Lenard
McCune, Mattie 12/19/1892-04/10/1936
McCune, Mollie F 1867-1951 s/w Oliver
McCune, Norma D 03/09/1927-? s/w Dewitt H
McCune, Richard 02/12/1888-12/27/1924
McCune, Sarah Elizabeth 08/04/1874-11/28/1957 s/w James Leanard
McCune, Sylvester Earl 1894-1956
McCune, Alma 1915-1921
McCune, Vera Roberts 1890-1913 w/o Leonard
McCune, Verlis 1913-1921
McCune, W E (probably the original stone for Walter)
McCune, W Oliver 1853-1929 s/w Mollie
McCune, Walter Earl 06/20/1906-08/01/1988 s/w Bessie m. 08/01/1931
McCune, Wanda Layton 01/31/1933-09/14/2006 s/w James T
McCune, Winifred T 02/28/1925-02/10/1997
Moore, Ada 01/10/1885-10/10/1885
Moore, Baby 1906 (only date)
Moore, Emma P 08/11/1866-04/13/1927
Moore, J P B 10/07/1864-08/30/1922
Moore, James C 11/28/1883-10/01/1885
Moore, Mary 02/20/1866-11/27/1918 w/o J C
Owens, Infant Son 08/15/1915 (only date) s/o T J & Gertha
Parker, Lottie Lucille 10/15/1913-06/25/1983
Still, Alton D 1935-1938
*Still, Delilah ?-11/22/1860 age 66yrs 8mos 10 days w/o Jacob Storm & Andrew Still
Still, Jessie A 1894-1948
Still, Tressie B 09/13/1928-01/17/1930
Townsend, Hazel Johnson 06/07/1913-02/09/1975 s/w White, Lucile
Walker, Alfred Cecil 12/21/1910-03/24/2003 s/w Maude m. 07/05/1935
Walker, Maude McCune 05/15/1912-11/10/1996 s/w Alfred
White, Audrey 1931-1932
White, Lucile 04/20/1929-01/29/1942 s/w Townsend, Hazel J
Young, Chelsea Nicole 07/20/1993 (only date)
Young, Dean Alan 05/05/1961-06/04/2001 s/w Deborah
Young, Deborah Kay 05/13/1963-? s/w Dean
*Still, Delilah was born 12 Mar 1794