Mount Comfort Cemetery
From Kilgore, take Hwy 42 south to Laird Hill and turn left (southeast) onto FM 2012. Go about 1 mile and turn right (east) onto CR 169 D. Cemetery is at the end of the road.There are photos at the Tombstone Photo site for the folks listed below and a catalog in the Archives.
Adkins, Abi
Alexander, L A
Alexander, Leavie
Alexander, Will
Allen, A
Allen, Alanda
Allen, Nelson
Allen, Tilmon
Anthony, Carine
Arnold, Monroe
Arnold, Prince
Baptist, Ina
Bates, Frankie L
Bean, Ben
Bean, Emeline
Bean, Francis
Bean, Jesro
Bean, Tom
Bean, Willie
Beane, Dard
Bowise, Hubert
Bowise, Sylvia
Brannom, Tom
Brittain, Emerline
Brooks, Moses
Carr, Ethel
Chandler, Finis L
Chandler, Helen Belle
Dunn, Martha
Ector, Alice
Ector, Fonnie
Ector, Jessie & Bell
Ector, Louis
Givens, Amy
Givens, Andy & Laurah
Givens, Louis
Givens, Opal Gene
Givens, Thomas Jefferson
Hall, Gracie
Haynes, Thomas Eugene
Haynes, Willie Mae
Henry, Lavater
Howard, Nathan
Jackson, James A
Jackson, John F
Jackson, Lela
Jackson, Lillie B
Jackson, Willie Earl
Johnson, Florine R
Jones, Joe Daniel
Jones, Joe Walter
Ladd, Green
Ladd, Green
Ladd, Ina
Ladds, Joe & Kitty
Lampkin, Elnora B
Lilly, Sewell & Nicie
Liner, Barry
Liner, Bishop
Liner, Elder & Barry
Liner, Waymon
Lucas, Cornelious B
Lucas, Earlie
Lucas, Maud T
Mark, Bernice P
Mayfield, Sypora
Mccollough, Mary
Patterson, Joe Anna
Phillips, Deline
Phillips, Willie
Porter, E N
Porter, Henry Phillip
Porter, L G
Porter, Lee & Sedalia
Powell, Murrell
Powell, Pearlene
Reddic, Ever R
Reddic, Jeff W
Reddic, Jeffery
Reddic, Katie L
Reddic, Malcolm
Roberson, Odis Lee
Roberson, Willie E
Robinson, Jerry
Robinson, Oscar H
Robinson, Roxanne
Sanders, Christine Haggerty
Sanders, Christine Haggerty
Scott, Remonia
Shaw, C C
Shaw, Willie A
Smith, Jimmy L
Smith, Jimmy Lee
Thompson, Arter
Thompson, Arther
Thompson, Carl
Thompson, Creasie L
Thompson, Dean Lawrence
Thompson, Elmer Ray
Thompson, Elsa
Thompson, Emma
Thompson, George
Thompson, Hannah
Thompson, Larnest
Thompson, Lonnie G
Thompson, Walter M
Thompson, Willie Earl
Thompson, Willie Lee
Thurman, Jimmy A
Tucker, Erma Jean
Washington, Theodore
Whaley, Jose
Whaley, L W
Whaley, Luther