Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery
From Henderson, Turn (east) onto Main St. from Hwy 79. Go a couple of blocks and turn right onto FM 840. Go 3.8 miles and turn left onto FM 2867. Go 4.7 miles and turn right onto County Road 364. There is a brown sign indicating the historical markers on 2867. Go 1/2 mile to Church, the cemetery is behind it.There are many, many graves without stones in this cemetery. I found several that were broken and could not be read. There are also rocks that have been carved. I could not read one but another cemetery walker has suggested G-Lohagr?. I have pictures of some of the stones and of the two historical markers. There is also a memorial stone with the names of 13 people.
Gina Heffernan
The annual homecoming is on the 4th Sunday in April unless Easter falls on that Sunday.

Lat 32° 06.105
Lng -094° 39.213
The marker on the church reads:
Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized
about 1850, with the Rev. Archibald Watkins (d. 1880) playing an instrumental role in its
early years. The fellowship first met in a small log cabin near Martin's Creek. This
building was constructed about 1870, and was used for worship services until the
congregation disbanded in 1906. It is now a part of Pine Grove's heritage and is the scene
of an annual homecoming. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1966.
There is another marker at Richard Brown's grave.
ACRE, Minnie Lee Futch 3/23/1905 4/16/1905
ADAMS, Herman D 4/12/1891 7/10/1968
BEARDEN, A A Sue 4/??/1874 5/9/1905 "Mother"
BEARDEN, A B 3/30/1828 10/12/1897 "Father"
BEARDEN, George R 1/31/1899 5/30/1969 TEX PVT CO D 441 ENGR DEPOT CO
BEARDEN, Henry Arch 11/3/1895 9/27/1952 PFC 133 FIELD ARTY 36 DIV WWI
BEARDEN, Infant 10/3/1862 (only date) c/o AB & MJ
BEARDEN, John T 3/6/1867 11/29/1951
BEARDEN, M J A 11/10/1841 9/3/1921 "Mother"
BEARDEN, Mary E 6/21/1860 (only date)
BERRY, Matilda B 1/14/1830 3/29/1907 w/o HH
BERRY, V L 10/2/1859 9/23/1903
BIRDWELL, Bettie (only date) 1/4/1861
BIRDWELL, John 1/14/1883 8/14/1959
BIRDWELL, Lennie 12/23/1884 5/23/1978
BRIDGES, Dona Hamilton 8/12/1894 2/18/1897 d/o ET & AH
BRIDGES, E J 9/20/1860 7/23/1876
BRIDGES, Earnest P 6/30/1891 2/2/1893 s/o ET & AH
BROCK, Rebecca P Welch (name on memorial stone)
BROOKS, Emma Lou 3/20/1905 8/3/1906 d/o AW & DM
BROWN, Charles P 9/10/1868 4/19/1957
BROWN, Emma 11/9/1860 5/10/1924 "Our Dearest Parents"
BROWN, Esther C 8/7/1871 7/22/1947
BROWN, Infant (no dates) RLB
BROWN, Infant (no dates) VSB
BROWN, Jewel 1/31/1903 5/8/1971
BROWN, Kate 1/2/1875 1/12/1955 Eastern Star
BROWN, Nancy Jane 4/1/1832 12/29/1916 w/o Richard
BROWN, Richard 11/16/1808 8/24/1893
Marker reads: (November 16, 1808 - August 24, 1893) An 1836-37 Republic of Texas soldier who joined the 1842 Mier Expedition to punish Mexican invasions of Texas. Captured in Mexico, he escaped firing squad by drawing a white bean, but was chained in prison for two years. The well-educated son of a Philadelphia, PA. doctor, Brown worked as a teacher, surveyor, and farmer. Helped found Pine Grove Church and Sharon Masonic Lodge. In 1849 he married Nancy Jane Cook; they had twelve children.BROWN, Richard McKee 5/3/1851 12/17/1931 Mason symbol
BROWN, Robert L 8/5/1870 1/1/1905
BROWN, Robert L 3/24/1901 6/12/1974 PFC US ARMY
BROWN, Veasey S 6/13/1857 11/29/1896
CANNON, Dorothy Ann Welch (name on memorial stone)
CARROLL, James Marvin 10/9/1886 10/14/1904
CARROLL, John Marion 8/4/1885 8/31/1885 s/o RH & Nancy
CHAPMAN, E H 4/12/1856 3/3/1858 s/o James & Nancy
CHAPMAN, James 4/15/1810 2/5/1897
CHAPMAN, James H (only date) 9/8/1869 aged 30y 11m 5d Mason symbol
CHAPMAN, Nancy 3/12/1815 2/10/1872 w/o James
CHAPMAN, T J 2/2/1851 2/15/1886
CHAPMAN, W A 4/2/1859 9/8/1880 s/o James and Nancy
CLIFFORD, James Etheridge 9/12/1902 11/20/1974
CLIFFORD, Mary Birdwell 3/18/1916 (only date)
CLINTON, Amanda J 5/13/1848 7/22/1929 "Wife"
CLINTON, J E 8/19/1840 6/20/1889 "Husband"
CLINTON, Peter Minor (no dates)
CLINTON, Sarah Madams (no dates) w/o Peter Minor
COMPTON, Fannie GARY 2/12/1905 5/4/1905 "Mother"
COMPTON, Joe R 11/6/1911 1/23/1973
COMPTON, Marshall L 3/8/1905 4/24/1905
COMPTON, Mason F 3/19/1905 4/16/1905 "Son"
COMPTON, Nellie M 10/16/1911 (only date)
COMPTON, Olga Mae 3/13/1905 6/1/1905
CONWAY, S F 3/3/1839 1/24/1892 w/o Thomas Conway
COOPER, Indus Eugene Franklin 12/27/1881 6/27/1900
CRIM, Arra Brown 9/29/1885 3/25/1973
CROW, Nancy Malinda Welch (name on memorial stone)
DEASON, Margaret Jane Welch (name on memorial stone)
DISMUKES, Jessie L 7/25/1876 Nov 1881 s/o TJ & Sarah C
DRAPER, Annie B 1/17/1905 3/30/1884 "Mother"
DRAPER, J M Jr 12/23/1839 (only date) "Father" Mason symbol
DRAPER, James D 9/6/1870 1/1/1952
DRAPER, James H Sr 12/18/1808 7/1/1894 "Father" Mason symbol
DRAPER, Lela B 4/22/1878 (only date)
DRAPER, Mary 1/7/1807 10/3/1878 "Mother"
DRAPER, Mattie (only date) 11/28/1930
DRAPER, N A (only date) 7/19/1855 aged 18y 8m 5d
DULIN, Dock Dawson 8/4/1892 2/17/1909 s/o JJ & PT
DULIN, J J 10/27/1849 6/6/1895
DULIN, Joseph Edmon 8/20/1883 10/8/1903
DULIN, Timpy 7/9/1857 1/18/1941
DUNN, Elmer Ray 6/15/1905 5/25/190? s/o JM & Sudie
DUNN, Gay Nell H 8/16/1898 7/3/1902
DUNN, J M 6/20/1882 6/19/1906
DUNN, John Grady 2/14/1891 6/29/1892 c/o EW & AW
DUNN, John Grady 2/14/1891 6/29/1892
DURAN, Bertha 8/7/1895 12/21/1895
DURAN, Carnelia 9/14/1889 11/13/1889
DURAN, Dr J A 6/11/1868 10/18/1897
DURAN, Hattie 1/12/1870 4/28/1952 w/o JA
DURAN, Joe C 2/26/1859 10/8/1931
DURAN, Leona 11/30/1904 10/11/1905
DURAN, Nealie 1/3/1871 9/14/1889 w/o JC
ELLIOTT, Ralph Alfred 4/2/1905 6/1/1905 S2 US NAVY
FEARS, Andrew J 7/18/1889 5/8/1894
FEARS, Elizabeth 11/1/1892 2/28/1979
FEARS, J L 3/23/1860 1/18/1905
FEARS, Lou 4/3/1862 8/20/1948
FEARS, Robert M 12/26/1886 2/14/1962
FREEMAN, Eva A 7/3/1895 6/1/1898 d/o JW & TC
FREEMAN, J B 5/25/1844 3/16/1906 Mason symbol
FREEMAN, Joseph E 4/2/18?? 7/8/1894 s/o JW & TC
FREEMAN, Minnie O 6/12/1893 6/13/1893 d/o JW & TC
GARRISON, Bessie J 12/14/1872 8/5/1899 d/o TD & NM
GARRISON, Cynthia E 9/29/1854 1/7/1927
GARRISON, Mattie C 5/10/1883 1/2/1900 d/o TD & NM
GARRISON, Mattie Jane 7/15/1913 1/7/1916
GARRISON, Nancy M 11/18/1844 6/18/1931
GARRISON, T D 8/17/1841 3/23/1911
GARRISON, Thomas 12/29/1906 11/3/1908 s/o WA & ME
GARRISON, Tobitha Milner 3/16/1923 1/22/1926
GARY, Walter L 9/12/1875 9/13/1880
GOSSETT, Durward B 3/17/1906 2/3/1946 PVT AIR CORPS WWII
GOSSETT, Ellie Fair 5/5/1877 10/30/1932 "Mother"
GOSSETT, Emma Belle 7/18/1890 9/29/1908
GOSSETT, Emory J 6/14/1880 1/30/1973
GOSSETT, George H 12/18/1875 3/2/1929 WOW
GOSSETT, Gracie Belle 10/12/1913 9/14/1927
GOSSETT, H L 12/20/1891 10/25/1940
GOSSETT, Henry Lee 12/20/1891 10/25/1940
GOSSETT, Howard A 11/27/1902 1/18/1973 m 1/6/1930
GOSSETT, Infant 9/24/1933 (only date) s/o O W
GOSSETT, Infant (no dates) c/o Emory & Lela
GOSSETT, Infant (no dates) c/o Emory & Lela
GOSSETT, J D 4/2/1905 6/2/1905 PVT US ARMY WWII
GOSSETT, James C 7/10/1872 11/2/1952 "Father"
GOSSETT, James Douglas 8/4/1914 8/8/1914 s/o JC
GOSSETT, Jess 12/19/1901 (only date)
GOSSETT, John Abner 9/19/1868 6/17/1933 "Father"
GOSSETT, Joseph L 10/4/1845 3/1/1913
GOSSETT, Joseph Leroy 4/9/1916 11/21/1948
GOSSETT, Julia Ward 3/26/1893 10/6/1908
GOSSETT, Lawrence W 12/12/1881 4/21/1937 "Father" Mason symbol
GOSSETT, Leola L 11/17/1911 (only date)
GOSSETT, Lieueze 7/26/1912 2/24/1913 c/o LW & NE
GOSSETT, Lola Prior 12/22/1883 11/27/1927
GOSSETT, Madel Houston 12/2/1881 8/8/1961 w/o George H m 12/31/1899
GOSSETT, Mary Fatie 11/29/1872 (only date)
GOSSETT, Maudie Lou 5/11/1895 8/2/1956
GOSSETT, Minnie Beatrice 4/17/1908 2/2/1914 d/o JC
GOSSETT, Nellie 8/23/1886 2/2/1922 "Mother" w/o LW
GOSSETT, Roy (only date) 11/21/1948 Crim Funeral Home
GOSSETT, Ruby I 9/25/1904 5/4/1968
GOSSETT, Sallie W Lawson 8/4/1849 4/29/1887 d/o PA & MR
GOSSETT, Willie Dea 2/19/1920 4/6/1935
GOSSETT, Willie Lee 5/10/1922 11/7/1922
GOSSETT, Willie M 1/24/1887 3/9/1888 s/o JL & SW
GRAY, Minnie Robinson 8/31/1887 1/8/1979
GRIFFITH, Helen 8/23/1924 4/4/1926 d/o HA & LE
GRIFFITH, Evelyn C 2/25/1872 6/3/1958
HADEN, Clarence D 2/17/1893 12/16/1951
HADEN, Cliff (no dates)
HADEN, Georgianna 10/5/1867 1/5/1937 "Mother"
HADEN, Horice Clyde 2/27/1905 4/4/1905
HADEN, J C 8/3/1906 7/25/1956
HADEN, James W 8/??/1858 3/17/1907 "Father"
HAND, Alice Reid 11/2/1889 11/6/1975
HAND, Baby Girl 7/20/1918 (only date)
HAND, Mary E 10/20/1858 3/17/1880 consort of WG
HAND, Rosa Alene 4/1/1924 10/16/1925
HAND, W C 10/26/1877 11/29/1947
HANSON, H G 8/20/1861 6/19/1881
HANSON, Sarah A 7/2/1832 8/17/1882
HANSON, V E 4/13/1862 11/19/1899
HANSON, W T 9/24/1864 7/23/1878
HENIGAN, Mary F 1/29/1876 3/12/1962
HOLLAND, Beuna Vista Welch (name on memorial stone)
HOYLE, John James 11/27/1841 6/16/1864
HOYLE, W O 4/24/1826 1/23/1872
HUNT, Homer D 8/18/1895 9/18/1895
HUNT, Horace 7/25/1895 9/10/1957 PVT HQ CO 143 INF WWI
HUNT, Infant 11/14/1891 8/21/1892 c/o WM & J (broken)
HUNT, Joseph Edward 1/16/1885 3/29/1934
HUNT, Josephine Rose 12/11/1945 12/20/1945
HUNT, Josie 6/13/1870 4/11/1915
HUNT, Marvin B 6/21/1889 9/22/1962
HUNT, Mary A 1/3/1862 3/26/1954
HUNT, Nora Bell 7/10/1890 7/25/1890 d/o SH & MA
HUNT, Sam 10/28/1859 3/3/1928
HUNT, William M 1/1/1864 7/22/1919 WOW
JACKSON, Ada J 12/26/1883 6/15/1890
JACKSON, D A 11/10/1845 5/2/1932 Mason symbol
JACKSON, Eula M 9/25/1890 1/8/1977
JACKSON, Infant 12/18/1887 (only date) c/o DA & LA
JACKSON, James A (only date) 11/28/1880 s/o WA & NE aged 2y 22d
JACKSON, Jane M (only date) 5/7/1882 w/o JB aged 63
JACKSON, John L 10/29/1879 5/20/1967
JACKSON, L A 1/5/1855 1/15/1933
JACKSON, Martha J (only date) 5/1/1882 d/o WA & NE aged 2y 9d
JACKSON, Nannie P 3/29/1881 12/5/1902 d/o DA & LA
JACKSON, Robert D 5/30/1886 6/29/1890
JACKSON, Sinthia 2/20/1905 11/1/1878
JACKSON, Susan D 5/30/1886 6/20/1890
JACKSON, W A (only date) 5/2/1882 aged 27y 5m
JENNINGS, Rosetta Washington Welch (name on memorial stone)
JOHNSON, Matthew 6/30/1875 5/1/1924
JOHNSON, Vivian 7/13/1894 4/8/1916
JONES, Ada E 6/27/1877 4/6/1907 w/o Thomas
JONES, Eleanor A 12/18/1869 6/20/1898 w/o Thomas
JONES, Elizabeth Welch (name on memorial stone)
JONES, Pearl 9/29/1892 9/25/1893 d/o EA & Thomas
JONES, Samuel H 7/12/1846 6/14/1856 s/o RB & CA
JONES, Thomas 7/17/1866 12/3/1935 WOW
KENT, Jessie 8/12/1880 1/9/1882 s/o AM & MB
KNIGHT, Helen W (name on memorial stone)
KNIGHT, Jesse 1/23/1905 4/4/1905 "Father"
KNIGHT, Rebecca 2/17/1905 4/5/1905 "Daughter"
KNOTT, Tom (no dates)
LEATH, John T 8/26/1898 (only date)
LEATH, Thelma Brown 8/26/1897 11/6/1890
LOWRIE, Forest 6/21/1864 6/17/1888 w/o RE
LOWRIE, H E (no dates)
LOWRIE, Jasper Floyd 10/4/1898 1/13/1901 s/o JD & Maggie
LOWRIE, Mary Alice 9/6/1870 10/18/1885 aged 15y 1m 12d d/o JB & Clarissa
LOWRIE, S H 10/5/1835 9/10/1918 Mason symbol
LOWRIE, Samuel T 10/29/1881 12/16/1912 US NAVY
LOWRIE, Tabitha 3/7/1843 3/12/1884 w/o SH
LOWRIE, William A 7/15/18?? 3/2/1879 s/o JB & Clarissa (broken)
MANSINGER, Ellen H 2/13/1861 10/10/1935
MCCUNE, Infant 5/18/1937 (only date) d/o JJ
MILAM, Mary 10/28/1860 5/14/1936
MILLER, Josephine K 12/8/1842 3/25/1883 w/o RG
MILLER, Robert G 2/17/1841 2/17/1871 Co G 18TH REGT TEX INF CSA
MILLER, Sarah E 7/29/1860 6/6/1881 d/o RG & JK
MILNER, A 4/10/1821 8/2/1883 Mason symbol
MILNER, Mary H (only date) 4/15/1878 w/o A aged 65y 11m 22d
MINTER, Brown 8/1/1915 3/20/1966 TEX TEC 5 BTRY D 444 COAST ARTY BN
MOORE, David Duran (only date) 7/12/1971 s/o Elizabeth & Jerry
MORRIS, John R 5/27/1886 1/13/1971
MORRIS, Maccie Belle 10/22/1886 5/5/1960
MURPHY, J M (only date) 4/17/1852 aged 27 years
NIX, Marion P 7/31/1867 9/4/1911 WOW
NIX, Nora B 2/20/1905 4/13/1905
NIX, Susan G 8/25/1869 8/27/1869 d/o WE & SJ
NIX, William P 5/16/1874 9/28/1900
PACE, Mrs Sallie (only date) 3/11/1935 aged 63 years
PACE, Pauline 4/19/1883 5/11/1971
PACE, Robert S 8/8/1878 9/9/1913
PARKER, Conrad J 2/3/1894 (only date)
PARKER, Infant 2/29/1924 (only date) c/o CJ
PARKER, Infant 2/29/1924 (only date) c/o Mr & Mrs CJ
PARKER, Sallie W 6/22/1896 2/15/1974
PARKER, Viola 3/9/1884 3/4/1904
PATTERSON, A B 3/8/1843 11/11/1916 Mason symbol
PATTERSON, Agrippa L 8/18/1890 11/13/1904
PATTERSON, Infant 5/6/1886 (only date) c/o LH & MA
PATTERSON, L E Inzer 2/22/1821 7/30/1898 "Our mother - LH & AB Patterson"
PATTERSON, L H 12/5/1842 11/15/1922
PATTERSON, Ln 11/3/1860 8/3/1873 d/o LH & MA
PATTERSON, M A 10/6/1843 5/27/1886
PATTERSON, Sallie 5/27/1855 12/22/1943
PHILLIPS, Joshua (only date) 2/5/1905 aged 9y 10m 4d
POOVEY, Axie 6/19/1896 7/4/1919 "Sister"
POOVEY, Erah A 2/19/1894 10/30/1954
POOVEY, Gracie 4/28/1905 8/1/1908 d/o FA & EM
POOVEY, Infant 2/1/1899 (only date) c/o RA & SA
POOVEY, Infant 5/30/1890 (only date) c/o RA & SA
POOVEY, John W 3/30/1867 ??/8/1876 (broken)
POOVEY, Joseph B 8/8/1902 2/6/1924
POOVEY, L V 10/6/1875 5/24/1876
POOVEY, Lucretia 2/15/1818 9/8/1900 "Mother"
POOVEY, R A 11/13/1847 10/28/1930
POOVEY, Sarah A 9/9/1857 12/17/1935
PROPES, Infant 12/7/1919 12/12/1919
PROPES, Clifford L 8/27/1921 (only date)
PROPES, Cora Bell 2/8/1874 4/20/1893 w/o James
PROPES, Duncan S 8/21/1875 10/8/1965 h/o Sallie
PROPES, Ethel Florence 8/17/1915 4/24/1917 d/o JH & FT
PROPES, Forest C 4/14/1896 8/6/1970
PROPES, Golda P 2/27/1896 4/17/1979
PROPES, Horace S 12/12/1893 3/23/1894
PROPES, Infant 9/28/1918 (only date) s/o Marvin & Pearl
PROPES, John A 3/30/1840 1/19/1920
PROPES, Lorine 12/3/1907 4/30/1930 "Mother"
PROPES, Marvin A 3/11/1905 5/26/1905
PROPES, R W 4/30/1867 4/27/1937
PROPES, Sarah Frances 10/19/1869 2/16/1938
PROPES, Sarah V 5/4/1873 3/11/1935 w/o DS
PROPES, T L 1/22/1842 10/18/1910 w/o John
ROBERTS, Clifford 8/24/1914 10/8/1952
ROBERTS, F R (only date) 5/29/1935 aged 48 years
ROBINSON, Bennie Y 9/11/1884 3/2/1898 s/o IS & ME
ROBINSON, Isaac Steve 12/9/1849 1/12/1935 "Pa"
ROBINSON, Mary Elizabeth 2/2/1850 12/13/1937
ROUSSEAU, Cora E 1/21/1873? 8/5/1875
SANDERS, Mrs O H 11/16/1850 7/9/1881
SANDERS, Mrs S A 12/4/1861 11/21/1887
SCARBOROUGH, S J 8/3/1856 8/4/1880 w/o W V
SEALEY, Elizar 12/24/1904 2/13/1905
SEALEY, Martha A 4/16/1878 8/29/1885 d/o GT & Julia
SEALEY, W C 12/14/1904 2/6/1905
SEALY, Julia 5/12/1856 11/14/1891 w/o GT
SEARS, J A 4/12/1852 1/6/1912
SEARS, Nancy Chapman 9/8/1844 3/15/1922 w/o JA
SHARBROUGH, (no dates)
SHARBROUGH, (no dates)
SHARBROUGH, James O 2/24/1905 4/19/1905
SHARBROUGH, Lillie B 3/5/1905 (only date) "Mother"
SIMPSON, Irene 3/4/1902 4/22/1902 d/o Robert & Mattie
SIMPSON, Mattie Lowrie 8/3/1879 7/4/1925
SIMPSON, Robert L 8/28/1877 10/9/1963
SIMPSON, Robert Lee 2/19/1905 5/16/1905
SIMPSON, Samuel Hugh 9/9/1903 6/20/1967
SMITH, A O 9/6/1829 12/18/1910
SMITH, Albert 2/24/1905 3/16/1905
SMITH, Beatrice 12/15/1905 2/28/1944 m 9/25/1925
SMITH, Benton 5/4/1900 12/11/1911 s/o JE & SE
SMITH, Caroline D 10/20/1835 12/23/1895 w/o John
SMITH, Catherine 9/13/1798 8/23/1890 w/o James
SMITH, Dr C F 11/1/1852 5/16/1881 s/o J R & Mary A
SMITH, Edna (no dates) s/w Foster, Wilber & Infant
SMITH, Ellis L 4/20/1911 1/28/1972 TEX PFC US ARMY WWII
SMITH, Eva Mae 5/4/1905 6/19/1906 d/o JE & SE
SMITH, Foster (no dates) s/w Wilber, Edna & Infant
SMITH, George H 10/29/1873 10/3/1876
SMITH, George William 1/2/1889 7/6/1892 s/o JA & MA
SMITH, Hattie Virginia 3/20/1894 9/9/1900 d/o WF & MF
SMITH, Infant 2/18/1883 (only date) c/o JAJ & Mattie
SMITH, Infant 3/16/1905 (only date)
SMITH, Infant (no dates) s/w Wilber, Foster & Edna
SMITH, Irene 1/20/1905 (only date)
SMITH, J A J 5/23/1860 8/17/1936 Mason symbol
SMITH, J C 9/20/1826 11/19/1908
SMITH, J Harvey 1/30/1905 4/3/1905
SMITH, James 2/1/1799 4/4/1868
SMITH, James Harvey 6/27/1902 8/10/1933 Mason symbol
SMITH, Jessie Annie Irene 10/22/1895 8/14/1900 d/o JAJ & MA
SMITH, John Eddie 8/13/1860 12/17/1944
SMITH, John Reagan 7/25/1926 9/20/1928
SMITH, John W 7/20/1863 1/17/1885
SMITH, John Warren 10/10/1895 (only date)
SMITH, Johnny Gay 5/18/1900 8/10/1956
SMITH, M F 5/21/1843 2/24/1872
SMITH, M J A 12/11/1885 7/3/1903 d/o William & SA
SMITH, Martha A 7/6/1875 9/22/1878
SMITH, Mattie A 12/8/1865 1/20/1955 Eastern Star
SMITH, Mittie L 7/16/1880 2/6/1881 d/o JH & TG
SMITH, Molly 12/3/1869 6/2/1923
SMITH, Nancy J 4/6/1874 4/11/1874
SMITH, Ora Mae 4/26/1892 9/3/1900 d/o WF & MF
SMITH, Sallie J 8/23/1884 12/8/1966
SMITH, Sarah A 7/11/1823 7/22/1885 w/o William aged 56y 11d
SMITH, Sarah Eugene 9/3/1865 4/19/1940
SMITH, Sarah Lillian 8/10/1889 9/1/1893 d/o WF & MF
SMITH, Sherman 11/4/1909 1/14/1910 s/o JE & SE
SMITH, Susannah 9/14/1826 5/22/1908
SMITH, Thomas J 4/10/1882 7/25/1962
SMITH, Tobitha G 2/1/1905 3/18/1905
SMITH, Virginia A 8/29/1881 8/15/1882 d/o JH & TG
SMITH, Wilber (no dates) s/w Foster, Edna & Infant
SMITH, William F 3/28/1862 7/30/1914
SMITH, William Homer 9/14/1899 9/15/1980
SMITH, William M 10/3/1823 11/4/1904
SMITH, Willie D 2/3/1855 6/10/1892
SNELGROVE, E B 2/7/1845 12/24/1911 aged 66y 10m 17d
SNELGROVE, Julia S 2/27/1850 9/15/1928 w/o EB
SNELGROVE, Ross 2/22/1900 2/25/1900
TATE, Joe N 3/16/1890 12/28/1958
TATE, Richard L Jr 12/17/1883 5/28/1979
TAYLOR, 2/25/1865 9/19/1885 d/o BB & RL
TAYLOR, Brannon B 1/1/1905 3/18/1905 Mason symbol
TAYLOR, Rachel Louisa 1/3/1905 4/14/1905
THOMPSON, N A 1/28/1839 12/17/1886
THOMPSON, Stella 10/2/1884 8/15/1885 d/o JB & TE
TREADWELL, Allie Jones (name on memorial stone)
TREADWELL, Amanda Welch (name on memorial stone)
WARREN, Betty 1/13/1879 9/2/1929
WARREN, Mrs Jackebed 5/19/1819 2/10/1895
WARREN, Will 10/5/1875 12/14/1962
WATKINS, Infant 7/30/1878 (only date) c/o GI & Delia
WATKINS, Katie C 10/7/1879 10/2/1883 d/o GI & Delia
WATKINS, Mary Ann Hendrick 12/23/1904 3/12/1905
WATKINS, Mary Hendrick 2/1/1905 4/15/1905
WATKINS, Rev A H 12/16/1904 2/23/1905
WATKINS, Richard O 1/27/1905 4/12/1905
WEAVER, Mrs Addie 1/23/1886 6/17/1947
WEEMS, Mary J 3/29/1838 2/17/1881 w/o JJ
WEEMS, Rev J J 1/4/1905 3/25/1905
WELCH, Mary A V (name on memorial stone)
WELCH, Mary Ann (Pollyann) Nelson (name on memorial stone)
WELCH, Robert W (name on memorial stone)
WHATLEY, Nancy Falkaday 1/10/1905 2/4/1905
WHATLEY, William J (only date) 2/8/1905
WHERRY, Arabella Johnson 3/24/1865 (only date) aged 9y 2m 9d
WHERRY, Caddy (only date) 6/1867 aged 6y 6m 23d
WHERRY, Earnest A 9/8/1879 11/2/1908
WHERRY, Hazel 6/15/1907 1/1/1911
WHERRY, Cecil 10/26/1934 10/26/1934
WHERRY, John 3/20/1807 4/6/1871 Mason symbol
WHERRY, Martha Carrie 1/8/1880 3/26/1963
WHERRY, Sarah J 3/9/1845 8/28/1887 "This was my beloved wife, with whom I was well pleased" WB Wherry
WHITEHEAD, Alfred Benson 1/30/1907 5/8/1971 TEX PFC 1805 SVC COMD UNIT WWII m 2/22/1947
WHITEHEAD, Jerry 10/6/1955 5/1/1976
WHITEHEAD, Virginia 8/29/1919 (only date)
WHITFIELD, Olivia J (no dates) w/o J
WHITFIELD, William Richard 8/5/1887 8/2/1888 s/o J & SE
WILBANKS, Mrs Lela 10/25/1877 7/3/1956
WILLIAMS, Isabelle 1/14/1883 6/26/1943
WILLIAMS, Oscar S 12/7/1868 9/13/1951
WILLIAMSON, C Lee 10/28/1837 3/8/1879 "Father"
WILLIAMSON, Emma Salunda 12/23/1840 11/26/1893 w/o C Lee "Mother"
WILSON, Edgar B 9/10/1859 7/27/1867 s/o J & J
WILSON, J G 9/15/1825 8/26/1902
WILSON, Jane 8/24/1867 (only date) w/o John aged 39y 3m
WILSON, Jane E 7/10/1833 11/16/1923
WILSON, Mary J 12/9/1857 8/29/1867 d/o J & J
WORLEY, Fairy E 3/15/1880 11/7/1958
WORLEY, John Lankford 7/21/1843 5/15/1918
WORLEY, Sarah Antoinette (Haley) 7/29/1851 9/18/1941
WORLEY, Sarah Margaret 7/26/1884 5/8/1944
WORLEY, William Tate 3/29/1873 4/24/1910 WOW
WYLIE, Frances A E 5/5/1872 7/31/1874 d/o WE
WYLIE, H E 1/18/1840 1/24/1863
WYLIE, I P 8/9/1846 2/26/1855
WYLIE, Infant 4/23/1883 (only date) c/o FM & MG
WYLIE, John 1/18/1809 5/8/1848
WYLIE, M E E 3/14/1832 1/9/1885 w/o William
WYLIE, Mrs Ann 5/7/1817 2/19/1893
WYLIE, Mrs Mary E 1/2/1851 4/4/1883
WYLIE, Sarah Margaret Mckay 8/22/1865 5/24/1932 w/o WE "Mother"
WYLIE, Thomas B 5/20/1897 4/11/1897 s/o WE & SM
WYLIE, Thomas L 12/2/1888 8/14/1895 s/o WE & SM
WYLIE, William 7/13/1813 3/6/1881
WYLIE, William E 12/12/1844 11/19/1900
YANDLE, J H 11/5/1852 8/17/1939
YANDLE, Janie 10/18/1862 8/6/1947 "Mother"
YORK, Charlie E 2/19/1905 4/18/1905
YORK, Dinva 4/24/1916 3/26/1918 s/o Charley & Vada
YORK, Josie 8/29/1911 3/16/1918 d/o Charley & Vada
YORK, Rade 5/24/1913 4/3/1918 s/o Charley & Vada
YORK, Vada B 2/27/1905 4/24/1905