Ross Family Cemetery
From Mt Enterprise, take Hwy 84 east a few blocks and turn right (southeast) onto CR 3198. Go 1 mile and turn right (south) onto CR 3196. Cemetery is a short distance on the left.Coordinates:
Lat 31.9068367
Lng 94.6624322
Thanks to Marilyn Vaught and her family for the recent work at the Ross Family Cemetery!
The fence and sign had been destroyed by a magnificent old tree. After tree removal and a bit
of hard work, the cemetery now has a new gate sign. A huge THANKS to Ken Langford for donating his
time and labor constructing the sign and to Ed and Lance Faulkner for design and construction of the
fence and the sign installation.
Picture made 06-13-2012.
An idea of the size of the tree.
After tree removal.