Sugar Hill Cemetery
From Henderson, take Hwy 79 east to FM 3231. Turn left and go less than 4 miles. The maps are incorrect from here because of the mine. Turn left onto FM 1251. Go less than two miles, turn right back onto CR 3231 (County Line Rd) go about 4 miles turn right onto CR 242 and travel 2.3 miles. At dead end, turn left into Cemetery drive way about 100 yds. The cemetery is on top of the hill. Gina Heffernan (catalog below)I transcribed this cemetery from photos located on the Tombstone Photo page. I don't know if it is complete. It's actually in Panola County but on the county line and there was no lake when it was established.

There are photos at the Tombstone Photo site and another transcription in the Archives.
s/w = shares a headstone with
m. = married
w/o = wife of
h/o = husband of
c/o = child(ren) of
d/o = daughter of
s/o = son of
WOTW = Woodmen of the World
Barbee, P A 3/1/1860-8/8/1915
Bennett, Infant twins of W H & Lola (no dates)
Armstrong, Willie Gray 8/15/1918-1/9/1921 s/o Mr & Mrs Arch
Armstrong, Fulton 2/4/1926 (only date) s/o Arch
Armstrong, Infant 2/24/1907 (only date) c/o Mr & Mrs Arch
Armstrong, Amelia Singeltary 1847-1915
Armstrong, George Wesley 1848-1901
Armstrong, Unknown
Armstrong, Felton Oree 1/30/1947-8/14/1968
Unknown, (MOM)
Armstrong, Fannie Lorene 12/25/1915-4/10/1994
Armstrong, Mr Oree 1912-1999
Armstrong, Earl 6/4/1914-4/17/2002 s/w Winnie
Armstrong, Winnie Mae 10/9/1924-7/31/1952 s/w Earl
Moore, Elizabeth Ann 6/2/1941-8/6/1984
Thomas, Randy Lane 6/3/1967-10/2/1993
Gregory, Reba Nell 4/5/1940-4/5/1992
Williams, Alice Isabel 10/18/1907-2/13/1978 s/w Rembert
Williams, Rembert Webber 9/21/1902-2/3/1976 s/w Alice
Williams, Daisy D 5/23/1888-1/7/1945 s/w Alvin
Williams, Alvin O 6/21/1881-8/10/1931 s/w Daisy
Williams, Rembert Wilford 10/18/1928-7/24/1983
Brooks, George W 10/14/1877-2/8/1960 s/w Fannie
Brooks, Fannie L 12/18/1884-2/23/1949 s/w George
Brooks, Callie 8/8/1881-7/12/1906 w/o G W
Brooks, Susan C 4/14/1862-1/2/1918 w/o Richard
Brooks, J R 2/10/1843-7/2/1910
Bennett, Infant of W H & Lola (no dates)
Brooks, Mary 3/20/1847-3/27/1885 w/o J R
Adams, Dee 5/25/1866-10/21/1933 s/w Jennie
Adams, Jennie 3/4/1880-5/21/1936 s/w Dee
Adams, J E died 10/23/1880 aged 62 yrs
Adams, Sarah J 1836-1898
Barbee, J H 6/9/1858-12/3/1929
Adams, Henry died 11/3/1924
Suggs, Alma Adams 8/9/1903-12/17/1999 w/o Robert
Suggs, H P 2/8/1924-2/10/1924
Brooks, Hannah Elizabeth 8/25/1878-3/30/1936 w/o J T
Jones, T C 1803-1861 s/w Mary
Jones, Mary Ann 1823-1906 s/w T C
Woods, Joseph R 1838-1862
Woods, Mary Ann 4/4/1833-1875
Arnold, Seth H M 1/23/1798-5/24/1871
Adams, Curtis J ??/29/1936 (only date) s/w William & Elmer
Adams, William J s/w Curtis & Elmer
Adams, Elmer C 2/7/1902-1/5/1983 s/w Curtis & William
Adams, Katie 11/6/1865-8/20/1944 w/o Henry B
Bennett, Angaline 1846-1925
Gibreath, Van 2/15/1884-12/20/1914
Duran, Nancy J 1873-1875
Duran, Earl T 1866-1867
Duran, John Ross, Jr 1862-1875
Duran, Sarah Everett 1845-1889
Duran, John Ross 1840-1905
Bennett, Infant of W H & Lola (no dates)
Dunn, Annie (no dates)
Dunn, John M 1850-1935 s/w Sallie
Dunn, Sallie M 1853-1918 s/w John
Barbee, Orra Elizabeth 2/14/1871-6/25/1939