Talley Cemetery
From Mt Enterprise, take take Hwy 259 north to CR 3201 and turn left (west). Go about 1.7 miles and cemetery is on the right.I took the names listed below from photos located on the
Tombstone Photo page, the list is not complete.
Gina Heffernan
Lat 31.9313889
Lng 94.7158333
There is a catalog at Cemeteries of Texas.

Lizzie Coleman 1866-1923
Quincy Coleman 1861-1933
Mammie Harper 1868-8/26/1913
Smith Harper 1865-1/9/1946
Carl W Hill 5/1/1945-?
Nanie Johnson 1869-1958
Will Johnson 1867-1957
Charles Smith April 24? - May 29 (no years)
Roxieaner Smith 12/22/1862? - 5/7/1924
Willis Smith 1862-1940
Burgess Stein Jul 1859 - 10/28/1922 h/o Lola
Lola M Stein 8/15/1866-1/9/1959 w/o Burgess