Tudman Cemetery
From Laneville, go south on Hwy 225 to Hwy 84. Cross Hwy 84 and, almost immediately, make a left (east) onto CR 3228. Go about 1.5 miles and turn right (south) onto CR 3241. Go about .6 mile and turn left (east) onto CR 3238. Go about 2 1/2 miles and watch for path on left. Sign is barely visible. Gina Nov 2008 (catalog below)Coordinates:
31° 51.649
94° 46.781
There is another catalog in the Archives.

Anderson, Ossie Simon 05/03/1911 - 06/13/1938
Arnett, Elgie 02/28/1887 - 06/19/1939
Arnett, Floyd 07/27/1905 - 04/11/1974
Arnett, Fred D 05/14/1903 - 07/08/1977
Arnett, U L 02/01/1932 - 11/08/1964
Blanton, Monnie 11/22/1900 - 12/11/1991
Burgess, Tinnie 09/08/1902 - 02/25/1995
Burgess, Willie Horace 03/08/1904 - 08/26/1976
Gray, James A 03/17/1905 - 06/06/1905
Gray, Lillie Mae 10/13/1909 - 03/09/2001
Gray, Warren Gray 04/05/1947 - 05/10/1968 Sgt Co B 503 Inf
Harris, Helen 10/05/1919 - 08/01/1976
Johnson, A R 02/23/1920 - 09/13/1960
Johnson, Bob (Robert) 10/27/1923 - 03/02/1978
Johnson, Georgia 09/13/1884 - 06/03/1965
Johnson, James Earl 09/09/1959 - 10/09/1981
Johnson, Jasper 02/23/1905 - 04/03/1905
Johnson, John Ben "Bunk" 08/04/1897 - 08/01/1982
Johnson, Hayward 09/12/1926 - 11/13/1996
Johnson, Marion 12/28/1905 - 02/21/1989
Johnson, Maxie Joe 06/29/1938 - 04/04/1980
Johnson, Ola V 03/25/1903 - 11/08/1975
Johnson, Robert 06/03/1907 - 08/21/1981
Johnson, Roberta Lee 03/17/1905 - 01/23/2004
Lewis, Leather 03/24/1905 - 04/18/1905
Lewis, Jessie 08/07/1895 - 06/29/1969
Scruggs, Tommie 08/12/1890 - 09/25/1913
Scruggs, Fannie 02/09/1905 - 03/15/1905
Scruggs, Luevinger 04/13/1910 - 03/26/1905
Scruggs, Martin 07/01/1858 - 07/08/1924
Scruggs, Tommie 08/12/1896 - 09/25/1913
Simon, Arrie B 09/24/1891 - 12/04/1984
Simon, Bernice W 08/20/1907 - 06/01/1993
Simon, Delmon 08/26/1888 - 12/15/1955
Simon, Carmen Ray "Lacy" 06/14/1997 only date
Simon, Odies R 03/21/1928 - 09/07/2002 Sgt US Army
Simon, Verdell 03/07/1939 - 05/24/1995
Williams, Jerry 01/22/1934 - 07/31/1977
Williams, Lena Mae 08/01/1950 - 10/11/1955
Williams, Willie B 09/22/1945 - 06/16/1951