Wasson Cemetery
From Henderson, go five miles out hwy 43. Turn right onto hwy 1251 (Church Hill Hwy), watch for county road 265. Turn right (south) on CR 265. About one mile down is Pryor Hill Church. Wasson cemetery is a short distance passed the church on the right side of the road. Photographed and transcribed on 03/10/08 by Carolyn Green. (survey below)
Pictures are at the Tombstone Photo site.
Lat 32.1896037
Lng 94.679979
s/w shares a stone with
s/o son of
d/o daughter of
w/o wife of
m/o mother of
FHM Funeral Home Marker
Beard, WM. 03/30/1843 07/06/1917 s/w Catherine E.
Beard, Catherine E. 02/24/1853 09/06/1906 s/w & w/o Wm
Wasson, Samuel 1825 1909
Wasson, Samuel L. 02/06/1804 07/27/1879
Wasson, Margaret no date10/14/1857 w/o Samuel L.
Copeland, Nancy Greer 01/24/1809 04/06/1875
Copeland, Wiley Cannon 04/03/1804 06/03/1858
Neuman, Mary Copeland no dates
Copeland, Wiley Fletcher no dates
VanSickle, A.K. 09/22/1848 12/20/1875
Bardsdale, ? cannot read any dates or 1st name
Barksdale, P.C. 07/07/1819 01/06/1894 h/o Eliza A. Howeth
Barksdale, Eliza A.Howeth 11/23/1825 11/18/1890 w/o P.C. Barksdale
Howeth, Nancy A. 02/19/1799 05/20/1868 w/o Thomas
Howeth, Thomas M. 07/11/1860 02/19/1877 s/o Fletcher & Matilda, Orange Co, TX
Norris, E. J. 02/18/1830 07/30/1914 Aged 84 ys,5 ms,12 ds
Norris, Charley W. 12/01/1870 03/20/1917
Norris infant no dates s/o Tom & Neilie