Wright Cemetery
Go 7 miles east on Hwy 43 to CR 272 A in the New Prospect Community. This is a dirt road that is hard to see. Go .04 miles down 272 A until you get to Wright cemetery on the left. This cemetery is in the Hansel Wright survey who is also buried here. Transcription and photos were done on 3/1/08.Some nicknames and maiden names and bolded family explanations were filled in on
this copy by information I borrowed from Mary Frank Dunn and Mrs. Gordon Brown's earlier
transcription of the cemetery. There are quite a lot of unmarked graves here.
Carolyn Green (survey below)
Lat 32.2343244
Lng 94.6802091
There is an alphabetical list in the Archives and photos at the Tombstone Photo site.

Turner, Kattie Miller 08/17/1832 08/17/1899 Mother
Turner, Robert L. 12/25/1862 08/03/1885 Son
Turner, Wade H. 12/30/1828 04/22/1875 Father
Aunt Rose In Memory of .. NOTE: Clyde STONE says she was ROSE BEARD on 1900 census. She belonged to the wife of William W. YANDLE, who was a BEARD.
Next 8 stones are small "Turner" stones. No names or dates.
Wright, Bennie 03/08/1897 10/12/1960 s/w Vivian
Wright, Vivian (Rogers) 3/7/1904 6/5/1988 s/w Bennie
Dunn, Austin Flint 01/28/1897 12/17/1953 s/w Fred
Dunn, Fred 8/19/1902 2/10/1974 s/w Austin Flint
Wright, Lewis 10/11/1865 1/16/1914 s/w Clara
Wright, Clara 06/16/1871 12/15/1951 s/w Lewis
Langley, Sarah Richards 1861 1932
Richards, Neva 09/20/1851 06/25/1852
Richards, Ella D. 10/13/1857 08/14/1858
Milner, Mrs. H. E. 05/06/1827 3/2/1909 w/o A. Milner
Ray, Rebecca 1829 1877 (TULLIS- PRICE)
Ray, Robert 1814 1878
Price, J. W. 11/20/1849 12/18/1896 s/w Mrs. L. A. Price
Price, Mrs. L. A. 10/21/1854 10/18/1944 s/w J. W. Price
Price, John Wilborn 3/12/1905 8/29/1905 s/o C.A. & Annie B.
Price, Cid Wesley 3/12/1905 8/29/1905 s/o C.A. and Annie B.
Four Price infant stones
W. L. Higginbotham 10/30/1831 6/28/1901
Wright, Priscilla L. (Burks) 1842 1916 Mother
Wright, William G. (Red Bill) 1838 1903 Father/ Mason
Bennett, William C., 1820 1895
Bennett, Mary Jane Higginbotham 1825 1890
Waller, J. M. 09/10/1840 5/24/1921 CSA
Waller, Lucy E. 09/28/1843 10/15/1911 w/o J.M.Waller
Higginbotham, H. S. 10/27/1875 4/24/1931
A dozen or so various bricks marking graves
Hill, Sarah Eliza 11/05/1879 03/19/1883
Hill, W. H. 09/02/1873 07/23/1874 s/o LL & Tennessee Wright, Masonic symbol
Wright, W. P. 11/14/1804 08/30/1856 (William Pritchard)
Wright, Hansel 1773 1856 Born in Virginia
Wright, Elizabeth P. 1774 1853 Born in N. Carolina (Pritchard)
Wright, T. L. no dates
Wright, Elizabeth no dates
Bellamy, Mollie 05/10/1872 01/04/1877
Bellamy, Willie 11/1874 09/04/1882
Wright, W. H. 1858 1900
McAnally, Ada L. 1870 1936
McAnally, Jack 1868 1943
Jones, Watt no dates
Harrell, Elizabeth J. 08/11/1831 03/15/1896
Harrell, John T. 04/12/1854 03/08/1896
Wright, Catherine 02/07/1810 09/21/1892
Harrell, John B. 09/25/1824 04/25/1865
Richards, Asa 08/08/1789 08/14/1866 ( This was a son-in-law to Hansel Wright)
Richards, William F. 12/25/1827 3/19/1910
Richards, Mary E. 06/05/1834 5/31/1904 w/oW.F.Richards, d/o Mark & S.M. Stroud
Richards, Willie H. C. 09/01/1859 01/23/1868
Richards, Dicky 02/06/1868 04/23/1871
Richards, Bennie Hill 11/04/1878 10/10/1879 inf/s of J.T. & E.J.
Standifer, E. L. Kelly 10/29/1909 7/6/1968 s/w Annie Mae
Standifer, Annie Mae 5/20/1910 11/1/1985 s/w E. L(Stone)
Stone, William Edd "Cot" 2/1/1919 5/24/1980
Stone, Tom Ed 5/27/1967 5/27/1967 s/o M/M W.E.
Stone, Mary Lucille 8/25/1908 3/5/1909 s/w Carry Lee
Stone, Carry Lee 11/14/1905 3/24/1908 s/w Mary Lucille
Stone, Ola B. 1886 1973 s/w Julian C.
Stone, Julian C. 1880 1939 s/w Ola B.
Stone, Caroline M. 10/30/1845 12/28/1908 s/w Robert L.
Stone, Robert L. 09/23/1842 11/7/1907 s/w Caroline M. Gray
Craig, Reuben Terry 09/09/1815 03/18/1884 s/o Rev Wm & Rebecca Craig. CSA
Wright, George (Hansel) 12/01/1813 11/13/1867 s/w Elizabeth Izell Craig
Wright, Elizabeth Izell Craig 11/19/1809 11/05/1877 s/w George Wright
Stone, Annie R. 07/15/1839 09/23/1878
Stone, W. J. no dates Co E, CSA
Beall, W. C. 02/16/1855 01/30/1896
Beard, John A. 06/04/1869 9/21/1946 NOTE: According to Clyde STONE, the wife of John A. BEARD, was Nancy Isabell (Nannie Bell) STONE, is probably buried beside him in one unmarked grave.
Yandle, Annie B. 03/23/1884 07/14/1884
Holt, Laura P. 09/08/1833 06/28/1864 w/o Lewis Francis Holt
Parnell, Joseph William 09/28/1859 05/20/1875
Beall, Francis M. 09/06/1812 01/1894
Yandle, Grandma no dates
Yandle, Grandpa no dates NOTE: This may be Miles and Margaret (WRIGHT) YANDLE; Clyde STONE says Willie YANDLE & wife
Yandle, Anna E. 03/23/1884 07/11/1884
???, Aunt Katie no dates In memory of
Hubbard, Moses Allen 01/11/1889 10/31/1946 s/w Sudie Ballenger
Hubbard, Sudie Ballenger 03/01/1892 11/7/1967 s/w Moses Allen Hubbard
Hubbard, Infant 09/02/1885 10/21/1888 s/o E.W. & A.M.
Hubbard, Asa Mark 01/18/1866 07/23/1899 w/o E.W. Hubbard & daughter of W.F. & Mary E. (Stroud) Richards.
Hubbard,Charles Rufus 09/02/1885 10/21/1898 oldest son of E.W. & A.M. HUBBARD ( He swallowed a peanut with the hull and strangled)
Hubbard, Edward Wren 08/05/1857 1/20/1931 s/o Moses Allen & Eliza Ann Walker
Hubbard, Mollie E. 12/05/1853 2/21/1921
Hubbard, Sarah Mildred 07/06/1895 8/3/1956
Hubbard, Caroline Myrtle 07/24/1887 3/21/1980
Leslie, Sydney Clyde 1/26/1900 3/13/1960 s/w Mark Hubbard, WWI & II
Leslie, Mark Hubbard 01/09/1898 7/13/1981 s/w Sydney Clyde
Hubbard, William F. Jr. 8/25/1928 1/8/2003
This is an old cemetery that has countless graves but many are unmarked or just marked with stones or funeral home
markers that no longer show names. There was no previous transcription for me to compare notes with. Transcription was
very difficult. CKG
Johnson, Alvin 1920 2005 FHM
Johnson, Annie L. 1925 1987 FHM
Mapps, Isiah 2002 2002 FHM
Hen????, Rena Fay 1944 2002 FHM
Henderson, Mable 4/24/1926 2006 s/w George W.
Henderson, George W. 7/10/1919 7/8/1981 s/w Mable
Mc????, Lavrena 12/14/1989 12/15/1989 1 day old
Henderson, Era 9/1/1910 7/28/1991 s/w Cratie
Henderson, Cratie 9/20/1905 2/17/1988 s/w Era
Thurman, Linnie Mae 10/16/1927 11/24/2003
Thurman, Robert James 9/15/1925 11/27/1999 WWII
Thurman, Robert A. 03/012/1894 1/2/1988 s/w Clara R.
Thurman, Clara R. 7/7/1907 9/1/1982 s/w Robert A.
Grave marked with a stone
Henderson, J. B. 4/19/1924 10/15/2004 U.S. ARMY
Jones, Kenneth Earl 8/28/1954 1/11/1990 VIETNAM
Jackson, Willie Mae 2/1/1945 02/??/1994
Jackson, Olen D. T. 7/20/1936 4/16/2001 FHM
Henderson, George Randell 12/24/1986 10/8/1989
Henderson, Jimmie I. 3/31/1927 1/10/2005 WWII
Hill, ???? FHM
Robertson, Fannie Nell 1927 1985
Robertson, Mary Nell 2/2/1929 7/5/1995
Pollard, Hessie P. 02/22/1894 5/25/1989 s/w Dorothy
Pollard, Dorothy 4/30/1907 3/20/1995 s/w Hessie P.
Turner, Bessie M. Jones 1903 2001 FHM
Montgomery, Arthus 1915 1986 FHM
Several unreadable funeral home markers in this area
Beall, Curtis Nell Russell 9/11/1935 3/6/2004 s/w Billie Hugh
Beall, Billie Hugh 6/3/1934 2/6/2003 s/w Curtis Nell Russell
White, Sammy D. 10/12/1945 8/12/1996
Adair, Mandy B. 1920 1983
Morris, L. T. 1982
Morris, Isabel 1900 1989 FHM
Morris, Mary Elizabeth 4/11/1938 3/22/1997 s/w Johnnie Ray
Morris, Johnnie Ray 6/19/1953 11/18/1997 s/w Mary Elizabeth
Rossum, Jimmie L. 10/4/1937 9/13/1995
Maggie FHM
Miller, Melvin A. 5/4/1944 8/4/1981
King, Fannie Lois 7/6/1926 7/1/1994
Clay, Rosie L. 6/22/1936 11/8/2006
Wallace, Betty 1942 1989
Jones, Keshia 1975 2004
Johnson, Matthew 1923 2002
Jones, Lamarcus Jack 7/28/1912 9/8/1993
McAlister, Annie Lee 12/16/1916 2/5/1987
Johnson, Adline 04/18/1892 10/21/1992
Robertson, Jimmy S. 1918 1949 WWII
Wynne, Martha 4/6/1900 9/9/1985
Johnson, Herman 4/4/1919 7/2/1967
Robertson, Johnnie Mae 9/10/1936 4/20/1981
Robertson, Jessie Ray 3/18/1958 7/16/1980
Bill, Irene Miller 3/10/1924 7/4/1962
Miller, Georgia 1885 1959
Pal concrete marker, no dates
Adams, Ruben Earl 1927 1995 U.S. ARMY
Johnson, Vella M. 9/15/1951 6/7/2001
Hider, Robert Vernon 11/30/1918 3/23/1989 WWII, s/w Mary A.
Hider, Mary A. 11/10/1920 9/6/1993 s/w Robert Vernon
Trimble, Ferris P. 12/5/1921 2/22/1981 s/w Lorene M.
Trimble, Lorene M. 2/16/1922 2/14/2002 s/w Ferris P.
Montgomery, Arthur 10/20/1915 6/15/1996 WWII
Montgomery, Robbie Taylor 1909 1992 s/w Grady
Montgomery, Grady 1904 1992 s/w Robbie Taylor
Campbell, Arquilla Montgomery 2/1903 1/1979
Montgomery, Grady W. 10/20/1930 7/31/1971 KOREA
Montgomery, Maurine 3/13/1927 3/5/1968
Montgomery, Lewis W. 09/20/1887 1/6/1964 s/w Amanda
Montgomery, Amanda 03/01/1894 1/21/1993 s/w Lewis W.
Pollard, Jule 1900 1995 s/w Mary L.
Pollard, Mary L. 1906 2001 s/w Jule
Pollard, Clifford Julius 7/6/1930 5/26/2002 KOREA
Morgan, Sherman 4/16/1930 10/14/1980 VIETNAM
Jones, Jessie T. (Boy) 4/9/1932 5/11/1985
McCoy, Walter 3/15/1908 8/13/1977 s/w Fannie
McCoy, Fannie 8/22/1904 2/18/1977 s/w Walter
Tinsley, Varrie Jones 11/3/1934 3/15/1978
McCoy, L. C. 6/11/1929 1/16/2003
Sanders, Burnis Jr. 12/1/1934 5/12/1985
McCoy, Ezell 9/10/1923 11/10/2002 WWII
Pierce, Willie C. 9/23/1923 4/20/1973
Sanders, Mary Ethel 6/25/1906 3/25/1985 s/w Burnis Sr.
Sanders, Burnis Sr. 3/24/1900 2/8/1973 s/w Mary Ethel
Sanders, Jimmy Ray 10/13/1944 12/27/1965
Centers, Annie B. 5/19/1913 8/31/1993 s/w John H.
Centers, John H. 9/6/1906 10/15/1973 s/w Annie B.
Centers, Thomas Calvin "T.C." 9/29/1941 12/2/2004
Montgomery, Charity 08/07/1897 4/10/1990
Pryor, Mary E. 05/10/1878 4/9/1951
Young, Naomi 8/19/1902 2/19/1964
Young, Alford Sr. 04/02/1898 6/17/1979
Young, James Loyd 8/26/1926 9/10/1993 WWII
Young, Alford Jr. 6/23/1933 6/29/1988 KOREA
McCoy, Henretter 10/15/1878 5/28/1951
McCoy, Allen 1/1/1911 7/4/1973
Isaac, Jimmie 11/23/1923 6/1/1969 WWII
Hightower, Mildred 1/23/1936 5/9/1960
McAllister, Enoch 4/4/1905 12/28/1967
Adams, John Earl 1931 1981 KOREA
Adams, Jessie Ray 1939 2003 FHM
Allen, Deshanne J. 8/8/1969 7/7/1990
Allen, Stephen Lomar 7/1/1968 5/29/1986
Allen, Kevin Gerard 10/27/1966 7/7/1996
Allen, Broderick 1987 2007
Unreadable marker
Sl???, Oscar T. 2/22/1931 11/10/1942 (unreadable)
Unreadable marker
Jackson, Woodrow 1917 1998
Jackson, Will no date 1963
Adams, Jennie 03/17/1886 5/12/1973 s/w Claborn
Adams, Claborn 03/26/1880 9/26/1972 s/w Jennie
Roberson, Dave 5/20/1900 6/19/1962 WWII
Waters, Rev. J. W. 09/13/1895 9/9/1964
Jackson, ???? no dates s/w ?
Jackson, ???? no dates s/w ?
Jackson, Joe T. 07/17/?? 9/5/1944 Military Marker
Lewis, Fannie ??/03/1858 ??/16/1940 broken stone
Jackson-Hill, Mary no date 1937 s/w Will & Lot??
Jackson-Hill, Will 1889 19?? S/w Mary & Lot??
Jackson-Hill, Lot?? 1898 19?? S/w Will & Mary
Jackson, L.K. 1930 1934 Broken stone
Jackson, Vernon 4/10/1925 11/7/1953 WWII
Turner, Cornell 1/2/1913 5/28/1956 WWII
Adams, Minnie 1881 1957
Isaac, Carolyn E. 9/27/1958 10/12/1959
Centers, Elbert 05/06/1877 3/21/1950
Centers, Elbert 1886 1950
Bradley, Bernice 1910 1983
Montgomery, Mascolee 1911 2003 FHM
Montgomery, Johnny W. 1903 1971
Montgomery, Ronny Joe 1957 1981
Montgomery, Emma Kennedy 1874 1964 s/w D.J. & Willie
Montgomery, Reverend D.J. 1872 1944 s/w Emma & Willie
Montgomery, Willie 1900 1936 s/w Emma & D.J.
Daniels, Fletcher 1870 1937
Jackson, Herman 7/12/1915 9/18/1972 WWII
Unreadable stone
Washington, Mary 03/17/1880 no date s/w Fred
Washington, Fred 09/01/1870 10/23/19?? S/w Mary
Williams, K. C. 09/??/19?? 07/??/1953 WW?
Adams, O.D. 3/15/1922 3/13/1939
Haward (?), Ida can't see dates
Howard, Emma Lee 9/20/1980 2/24/1970
Morris, Archie 12/25/1892 7/16/1955
Adams, Jinnie 08/12/1888 5/16/1924
Adams, Mose 1883 1929
Unreadable marker
Unreadable marker
Unreadable marker
Unreadable marker
Ford, Emma O. 03/27/1873 11/17/1893
Unreadable marker
Broken and unreadable marker
Jackson, Grafield 1927 1935
Washington, Amanda 1888 10/4/1922
Centers, E. C. 9/14/1914 8/24/2000
Blakely, Garrett no dates
Blakely, Aldoe 06/19/1865 2/23/1946
Lewis, Henry 12/23/1881 6/3/1953 s/w Annie
Lewis, Annie B. 06/21/1891 no date s/w Henry
Broken stone
Montgomery infants no dates infants of W.F. & E.J.
Montgomery Infant infants of W.F. & E. J.
Montgomery, D. G. 10/11/18?0 10/31/18?? Illegible
Camp, Emaline no date 03/25/1872 d/o Armster & Emaline
Montgomery, Wilson 1835 1909 s/w Harriet
Montgomery, Harriet 1848 1912 s/w Wilson
McCoy, Sylvester 8/29/1943 6/16/1969 Military Marker
McCoy, Lemmie Lee 10/12/1907 7/27/1969
Johns, J. C. Jr. 10/11/1932 10/22/1949
Johns, John C. 8/24/1912 3/17/1979
McCoy, Blen 7/9/1933 5/11/2004 Military Marker
McCoy, Griffin Sr. 3/7/1908 5/3/1997
McCoy, Dora 1881 no date s/w Ed
McCoy, Ed 12/24/1881 5/27/1944 s/w Dora
McCoy, Earline 5/7/1923 6/11/1992 s/w Ed, Jr.
McCoy, Ed, Jr. 5/23/1921 no date s/w Earline
Unreadable stone
No formal marker
Unreadable marker
Unreadable marker
Miller, Frank 1860 7/15/1906
Mann, Lois M. 11/12/1904 9/28/1994 s/w Oscar M.
Mann, Oscar M. 6/5/1902 7/25/1970 s/w Lois M.
Manns, E. T. 8/21/1922 6/20/1948 WWII
McCoy, Hettie 1862 1957 s/w Solan
McCoy, Solan 1857 1948 s/w Hettie
Menefee, Kathrine 1919 1953
Menefee, Jeffie 10/27/1901 12/18/1954
Menefee, Florence 1882 no date s/w Starling
Menefee, Starling 1886 1961 s/w Florence
Lewis, John 11/01/1879 11/10/1967
Lewis, Ervie Lee 5/5/1937 9/6/1959
Lewis, Luella 11/23/1899 7/23/1940
Kennedy, Kenshay M. 9/17/1978
Henderson, Georgia Mae 2/12/1925 3/6/1969
Robertson, Jessie 1/5/1908 10/23/1953
Lewis, Edward 1848 4/17/1906
Lewis, Sarah 09/08/1856 1/27/1904
Blair, Florence J. 12/18/1860 9/26/1921
Blair, John W. 11/08/1861 9/26/1921 Minister
Beall, Lessie V. 5/2/1911 4/25/1996 s/w Willie
Beall, Willie 7/8/1911 1/25/1971 s/w Lessie V.
Jackson, Lucy 1820 1883