Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church
From Henderson, turn (east) onto East Main St. from Hwy 79. Go a couple of blocks and turn right onto FM 840. Go 3.8 miles and turn left (east) onto FM 2867. Go 4.7 miles and turn right (south) onto County Road 364. There is a brown sign indicating the historical markers on 2867. Go 1/2 mile to Church, the cemetery is behind it.The annual homecoming is on the 4th Sunday in April unless Easter falls on that Sunday.
Marker Text
Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized about 1850, with the Rev. Archibald Watkins
(d. 1880) playing an instrumental role in its early years. The fellowship first met in a small log cabin near Martin's
Creek. This building was constructed about 1870, and was used for worship services until the congregation disbanded in
1906. It is now a part of Pine Grove's heritage and is the scene of an annual homecoming. Recorded Texas Historic
Landmark - 1966.
Thank you to Robert and Daniel for pointing out that I had the wrong church building posted on this page for many years. This is the correct church.