The Southern Beacon, Henderson, Rusk County, Texas, Saturday, May 21, 1859, No. 18
by John McClarty, editor & proprietor [A weekly newspaper abstracted by Gina Heffernan. There is very little local news in this paper. This copy is in poor shape and some of the items are difficult to read.]Page 1
[Mostly a lengthy article entitled "Decay of Abolitionism in New England" from the Washington City Union.]
The papers of Wisconsin speak favoably of the appearance of the wheat crop ...
A NEW COMET DISCOVERED - Detroit Advertisor - by James C Watson, Anne Arbor, Michigan ...
Snow and Ice at the East - Maine
Richmond, Va., May 4 - A fire broke out this morning on Main street. Several large vessels, planing mills, etc., were destroyed.
The Dying Never Weep - Christian Inquirer
Frozen to Death - Two men were frozen to death one night recently on a raft in the Ohio river near Parksburg, Virginia. Another of the same party was found insensible and resusitated.
In China a man can obtain a divorce from his wife if he can prove she is jealous. ...
The last news from Cochin China contains the information the the French Admiral commanding the expedition, had resolved to make use of elephants for the army. ...
The Board of Trustees of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will hold their first meeting in Richmond, Va., during the intervals of the the Southern Baptist Convention, which meets on Friday, the 6th of May next.
RECKLESS VILLAINY - We learn that some fiendish rascal or rascals put cross-ties across the track of the Charlotte Railroad, near Youguesville, which cam very near causing serious damage. - Columbia Carolinian.
THE WHEAT CROP - We have seen gentlemen within the last few days from different parts of Georgia, and, with few exceptions, the report the growing wheat as very promising. ...Macon Journal.
Four hundred Mormon converts from Denmark recently left that country for Salt Lake.
The London Globe announces the death of Lady Morgan, the authoress.
The valuation of property in Cincinnatti is $110,000,000.
The five mutineers who broke jail at Northfolk? have been arrested in North Carolina.
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Divine Service is performed regularly in this place at the
Presbyterian Church on the second and fourth Sabbath in each month - Cumberland Presbyterian first and third.
Baptist, fourth Saturday and Sunday.
Methodist, first and third Sabbath - Sabbath School regularly at the Methodist Church, opening at 9 a.m.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening, open at half-past six at the Baptist Church.
From the Shreveport South-Western of last Wednesday ... several boats were up from New Orleans, and from Jefferson ... A heavy robbery had been perpetrated by some unknown person upon the storehouse of W.H.C. Hudgings whose loss amounted to over $6,000.
We have learned from the South-Western of the 18th? inst., that Mr Thomas T Dillard, the editor of that paper after a protracted illness of seven weeks and one day died on the 13th inst. Mr Dillard was a native of Richmond, Va., and in 1852 established that paper at Shreveport.
THE CLERK OF THE WEATHER LOST HIS RECKONING - We learn from the Sherman Patriot of May 3rd, that the citizens of Grayson County have been having an unusual amount of rain, as well as enjoying luxuries in the way of juleps iced with hail stones. The Patriot says:
On Monday evening last, hail fell about 6 miles southeast of this place of extraordinary size ...
MORE RAIN - On Wednesday night last, we were visited with another refreshing and corn invigorating shower, which last for an hour ...
THE SHOOTING AT MEMPHIS - A gentleman from Memphis in this State has furnished us with the particulars of the killing of Mr. H. R. McDonald on Monday last - not Sunday, as we were informed:
A young man named Coleman, an overseer, had whipped a negro belonging to Mr McDonald, but hired to the gentleman for whom Coleman was overseeing. For this McDonald attacked Coleman on Sunday, and cowhided him until he was taken off; ... [Coleman shot McDonald the next day upon another attack.] - N O Courier
DREADFUL STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION - Memphis, Tenn., April 26 - The steamer St Nicholas has exploded. The boat and cargo are totally lost. About forty-two persons, mostly belonging to the boat, are lost or missing.
TROUBLE IN UTAH - Leavenworth, April 26.
Late intelligence from Utah represent affairs in a critical position. The Judge has dismissed the juries because they refused to find true bills against murderers. Johnson and Gov. Cumming have disagreed, and the legislative branch are opposing the Executive. The danger of an outbreak? is considered imminent.
[Another lengthy article entitled "Important from Utah Territory" covers most of this page and contains several different articles.]
The steamship Northern Light, arrived at New York on Saturday, with 675 California passengers. She left Aspinwall on the 21st of April.
On the evening of the 17th, during the procession, on Palm Sunday, at Panama, a riot occurred between the natives who reside within the city and the blacks who live without the walls, in which two or three were killed and several wounded. ... fired at the soldiers in return, killing Capt. Navarro and one of his men. ... no further killings ...
The US sloop of war Vandalia arrived at Panama on the morning of the 17th of April.
The Roanoke, Jamestown and Relief were up for Aspinwall on the 21st of April. The Roanoke was at San Juan del Norte on the 22nd of April.
The steamship Washington, from New York for San Francisco, had not arrived at Valparaiso on the 1st of April, and fears were entertained for her safety.
IMMENSE SIZE OF THE PYRAMIDS - A United States naval chaplain who has recently visited the grand pyramid of Cheopos in Egypt, wading in the deep sand fourteen hundred feet before he had passed one of its sides, and between five and six thousand feet before he had made the circuit, says, that taking a hundred New York Churches of ordinary width ... you would scarcely have the basement of this pyramid ...
ACCIDENT TO THE WANDERER - Savannah, April 27 - the steamship Florida from New York, arrived today with the yacht Wanderer's passengers. The Wanderer encountered a heavy gale in the Gulf Stream, on Friday night last ...
St John, N.F., May 9 - The steamship Adelaide of the Galway ????, arrived at this port ...
Liverpool, April 30th - The sales of cotton during the week amount to 30,000 bales ...
The advices from Manchester ... Actual hostilities had not yet commenced, and no declaration of war has been made, but the movements of the different armies in Italy show that actual war can no longer be prevented ...
London, April 30 - The funds have experienced another heavy decline. A general panic prevails on the London exchange. ...
LOST ON ST NICHOLAS - ... Gideon Pillow, son of Gen. Gideon J Pillow, of Maury County ... on the night of the 24th - Nashville (Tenn) News
CORRECTED WEEKLY [markets] - ...
ESTRAY NOTICE - Taken up by B W Alberty ... one small mouse colored mare mule, three years old, small star, roached and shaves, and branded with the letter H on the right shoulder ... worth 60 dollars ... Perry G Whetstone [attorney]
ESTRAY NOTICE - Taken up by D J Hudson ... one sorrel mare about 15 hands high, twelve or thirteen years old, a blaze in her face, some saddle marks and gear marks, a white spot on her left hip ... worth sixty dollars ... Perry G Whetsone
ESTRAY NOTICE - Taken up by John B? Murray ... one bay horse about 15 hands high, ten or twelve years old, right hind foot white ... worth 90 dollars ... Perry G Whetstone
STEAM CIRCULAR SAW AND GRIST MILL - 7 1/2 miles NW of Henderson - 3 miles E of London ... - James E Smith & Co.
Gold and silver taken at the receipt of custom in exchange for taxes for 1859 ... - Thomas Wilson
NEW US MAIL LINE - Henderson to Waco via Tyler, Athens and Corsicana ... - J R Allen
NOTICE - Levi D Marks of Shreveport is my only authorized agent, to make settlements and collection. All powers of Attorney, heretofore given, are withdrawn from the first of February last. - L E Carter
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Henderson & Waco U S Mail Line - J R Allen
Hull & Fyffe - Successors to Dunn & Richie - Receiving, Forwarding, and Commission Merchants - Shreveport
"Eldorado" Grocery Establishment - James McWilliams - Henderson
Passenger steamers - G L Kouns & Bros - [I can't read most of this but it mentions Upper Red River]
Taylor Brown - manufacturing of stoneware - Henderson
DEBT NOTICE - M D Ecter filed against M T Little [difficult to read]
Star Hotel - B F M'Donough, proprietor - Henderson
Lost or Mislaid - Land certificate issued in Montgomery County to ?? A Piper - James Heffner
Star Hotel drinking saloon
L & A Mayer's - general merchandise - Henderson
Family Grocery & Provision Store - Thos. M Yates - Henderson
Cotton Gin Manufactory - J Winship - Tyler
Citation - Samuel Barron vs. John Pinkston - debt due.
Estate of MARY J MOORING - Robert D Wyche, administrator - by A Perry Whetstone
A M Murphey - watchmaker and jeweler - Henderson
Wood, Eddy & Co [successors to S Swan & Co] - Sparta Academy Lottery - Augusta, Georgia
J T Liken's - clothing, saddlery, hardware - Henderson
Martin Casey - attorney and counselor at law - Henderson
General merchandise - N Seligman & Co - Henderson
Jones & Shelton - general merchandise
Ramsey & Scales - drugstore - Wm M Ramsey, J R Scales - Henderson
N C Folger - ready made clothing - New Orleans
N C Bagley - attorney and counselor at law - Henderson
J L Miller - boot maker - Henderson
Steam engine for sale - James Ethridge - Camden, Rusk County
Hugh G McClarty - drugstore - Henderson
A M Gentry & Co - St Nicholas Stomach Bitters
D Preston - general merchandise - Henderson
Ball & Dashiell - druggists & bookkeepers
B F McDonough - dry goods - Henderson
M D & W B Ector - attorneys and counselors at law - Henderson
T H Ethridge & Co - commission merchants - New Orleans
A D Donovan - Cotton Factor & Commission Merchant - New Orleans
Notary Public - Nathan G Bagley - Henderson
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Dr M'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills - Fleming Bros - Pittsburg, Pa.
Mustang Liniment - Barnes & Park - New York
Brown & Harrop - Furniture - Henderson (Taylor Brown & John Harrop)
Estill & Likens - attorneys and counselors at law - Henderson
J M Dodson - attorney and couselor at law - Henderson
Armstrong & Parsons - attorneys and counselors at law - Henderson
Geo S Weir - physician and surgeon - Henderson
J M Blair, MD - Henderson
Dr E G King - Bellview, Rusk County
Jas E Smith, MD - Pine Hill
Drs. R H & L J Graham - Henderson
Dr. John A Jordan - Henderson
Dr. J R Scales - Henderson
James McBride - dentist - Henderson
Dr J Thos Russell - Alma, 10 miles east of Henderson
Dr G W Neely - canceres cured - Star Hotel
Charles Fox - grocer and confectioner - Henderson
W L McMurray - selling Superior Ploughs - Henderson
Masonic Female - Henderson - Mr Cary, principal, Miss Eliza White, music; James M'Bride, C J Garrison, Wm H Estill, Thomas smith, R H Cumby, A J Smith, B F M'Donough, trustees.
Mixed school at Sylvania School House - A C Hickey - 18 miles from Henderson on the Henderson and Marshall road.
Millville Male and Female Academy - J C Vernon - Millville
Texas Miltary Institute - C G Forshey - Rutersville, Texas
Fowler Institute - Rev. N W Burks, aided by A C Rorison - Henderson
Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing machines - New York
Steam Engine Agency - Wm S Broadus - Rusk, Texas
Broom & Marlow - steam engines and saw mills - 5 miles from Rusk on the Henderson road
A M Murphey - watchmaker and jeweler - Henderson
Peter O'Donnell - general stationer, printer and book mark manufacturer
Franklin Roberts - wholesale and retail watches and jewelry - City Hotel
B M Lowe & Co - cotton factors and general commission merchants
E R Stevens & Co - fancy dry goods
S W Odell - fancy dry goods
J W Seymour - cheap watches and fine jewelry
Geo E Vinton - ink presses
Theodore Frois - fancy dry goods
W L Allen & Co - wholesale grocers
Magee & Kneass - leather goods
G N Morrison - druggist
Henderson & Gains - books, magazines, stationery
W A McClanahan - tailor
Star Hotel - B F M'Donough - Henderson
Star Hotel Drinking Saloon
L & A Mayer's - clothing, fancy dry goods, spring and summer goods
Thos M Yates - family grocery and provision store
E & B Jacobs - drygoods, clothing, hardware, groceries - Shreveport
Miller & Morris - druggists - Shreveport
Henderson & Waco U S Mail Line - fair reduced - J R Allen
Hull & Fyffe - receiving, forwarding and commission merchants - Shreveport