New Salem Cemetery
From Henderson, take US Highway 79 S (southwest) - 2-3 miles. Turn left (south) onto Highway 839 - 12.7 miles. Turn left on FM 1662 at New Salem - 1/10 mile. Take first right - CR 4258 D, cemetery is at end of road.
Gina Heffernan - October 2003 (catalog below)
There is more information in the Archives and a few photos at the Tombstone Photo site.
Lat 31.9368000
Long -94.9630167
From Joel Atcheson:
Both of the Chancellor wives are S.J.'s daughters. (See more at
Cool Spring Cemetery.) Elizabeth Autrey, was his oldest child.
She was married to a member of the Lawhon family of Smith Co, Tx, who died in the Civil
War before she married C.W. Autrey. His son D.M. was the Post Master at New Salem in 1896.
For some more info, if you're interested, below is an obit,
I found on the net, that tells part of their story. Enjoy! Speaking of clearing and
cleaning cemeteries, my eldest brother and I have spent the last several months restoring
the "long lost" (for about 90 to 100 yrs.) Atchison family cemetery, here (about 5 miles
from my home.) It's on "timber company land" and it took quite a while to get permission
to go there and look for it. It's very hard and dirty work, but it's worth it!
Rusk County, Texas
Henderson Times, Mar. 17, 1921
In Memorium
William P. Washburn was born in Perry Co., AL, Sept. 12, 1845, moved to
Bibb Co., AL, when a small boy with his parents; lived on a farm until April,
1862, when he enlisted in Co. B., 20 th AL Regiment, Confederate service, was
with that command regular until Jan., 1865 when he was captured & sent to prison
at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill.; was made prisoner twice during his service at
Vicksburg, Miss., and Nashville, Tenn. Was wounded slightly in the arm at
Jonesboro, GA. After being retired from prison in June, 1865, he returned to the
farm in Bibb Co. He was married to Miss Martha Atcheson in Jan., 1866 moved to
Texas Oct. 22, 1866, arriving at New Salem the latter part of Nov., 1866. He has
lived in & near New Salem continuously since. To his first marriage was born 4
children, 2 of whom died when young, 2 survive him. He joined the Baptist Church
at New Salem in Sept. 1884, was baptised by Rev. Traylor. He lived a christian
member of that church, contributing liberally to the support of his pastor & the
upkeep of his church. As a christian he believed his God, was honest & upright
in his demeaner; held the confidence of his church & friends. As a neighbor he
was observant of his neighbor's interest as well as his.
In an earlier email, I mentioned that one of S.J.'s daughters buried at New Salem (Elizabeth Autrey) was married to a Lawhon, who died in the Civil War. The 3 children buried in our cemetery, are hers. Bennett, in grave #14, is S.J.'s older brother. None of the other graves have marked stones. One thing I think about often is, S.J. owned two homes and about 500 acres of land and several slaves when he took flight for his safety, left Alabama and moved to Texas. If not for that, he and most of the others buried in New Salem, would be buried here, in our cemetery.
m. = married
w/o = wife of
h/o = husband of
c/o = children of
d/o = daughter of
s/o = son of
m/o = mother of
s/w = shares a stone with
WOTW = Woodmen of the World
Costlow, Danny L 2/28/1941-2/8/2001 PVT US Army s/w Nelda
Costlow, Nelda E 11/15/1940- m. 5/15/1959 s/w Danny
Carmichael, Dan V 6/27/1908-11/17/1993 s/w Ruby S
Carmichael, Ruby S 2/1/1909-10/7/1982 s/w Dan V
Buckner, Donal 9/21/1929- m. 9/11/1953 s/w Martha
Buckner, Martha Fulton 3/30/1933- s/w Donal
Buckner, Henry 10/26/1896-11/18/1972 TX PVT US Army WWI s/w Opal
Buckner, Opal 12/5/1905-11/16/1991 s/w Henry
Johnson, Roland "Tommy" 7/15/1937-7/12/1996
Compton, Joseph F 8/16/1912-5/12/1991 s/w Frances
Compton, Frances J 3/7/1923-6/24/1992 s/w Joseph F
Janca, Wesley L MSGT US Air Force WWII Korea
Polk, John Ervin 3/4/1909-2/27/1979 TEC5 US Army WWII s/w Mary Ann
Polk, Mary Ann 6/13/1905-7/3/1992 s/w John Ervin
Schultz, Gallant 4/26/1898-6/16/1981 s/w Mary Ann
Schultz, Mary Ann 6/13/1905-7/3/1992 s/w Gallant
Schultz 10/3/1943-5/23/2003
Anderson, Edward Walter 7/16/1927-3/31/1985 US Navy WWIi
Johnson, Clarence M 12/30/1902-5/9/1989
Johnson, Charles Leroy 5/12/1922-1/30/1990
Wells, Betty Ann 12/19/1945-9/10/1995
Seggerman, Wilbert Jr "Willie" 10/6/1953-10/29/01 s/w Kathy Louise
Seggerman, Kathy Louise 8/6/1952- m. 3/27/1976 s/w Wilbert
Sellers, S T 9/10/1910-6/17/1991 PFC US Army WWII s/w Carrie
Sellers, Carrie 3/20/1915- s/w S T
Oliver, Dorothy Compton "Dot" 9/12/1927- m. 4/1/1946 s/w Charles
Oliver, Charles Tim "CT" 3/26/1921-8/10/2000 MSGT US Air Force WWII s/w Dorothy
Keen, A B 1933-2002
Joynt, Grace Mary 6/29/1923-
Joynt, Donald James 4/1/1921-6/8/1998 PFC US Army WWII
Row 2
Walker, B? Ladel 3/15/1865-??/6/186? s/o BF & M?
Walker, James T s/o BF & Margaret - dates illegible
Walker, B F 3/15/1827-8/20/1974 Mason consort of Margaret Walker inside fence with Margaret
Pruitt, Margaret 9/24/1832-9/30/1911 79 yrs, 6 days m 3/31/1852 inside fence with B F Walker
Owen, Marshell 9/27/1931- s/w Edward D
Owen, Edward D 3/24/1931-10/27/1996 s/w Marshell
Parker, Ernest R 4/1/1914-6/7/1996 s/w Rosetta
Parker, Rosetta S 7/16/1923- s/w Ernest
Freeze, Robert L "Bob" 6/24/1939- s/w Gail
Freeze, Gail Waggoner 12/16/1938-12/27/1994 s/w Robert
Townley, John J 4/20/1891-5/18/1962
Townley, Georgie Lee 10/13/1892-7/30/1980
Morgan, James Taylor 3/12/1869-2/17/1946
Morgan, Alvin L 8/3/1907-5/4/1982 m. 1/29/1927 Daddy s/w Ruby
Morgan, Ruby B 6/4/1909-12/18/1994 Mama s/w Alvin
Powers, Perry M 11/14/1905-2/23/1979
Townley, Charlie Elmo 3/3/1882-2/4/1951
Medford, Rob 8/3/1881-8/19/1957
Medford, Miller 10/3/1873-6/1/1961
McLain, Larry Lynn 12/26/1946- m. 10/21/1972 Mason s/w Necia
McLain, Necia Merriwether 11/24/1950- s/w Larry
McLain, Mindi Diane 4/16/1977
Merriwether, Edward Frank 10/27/1921-9/17/1975 PVT Army Air Forces WWII s/w Geneva
Merriwether, Geneva Owens 8/20/1921-6/22/1981 s/w Edward
Owens, R D "Dan" 8/19/1891-4/12/1957 s/w Vera
Owens, Vera Evans 8/1/1896-11/26/1968 s/w RD
Costlow, Buford L 2/15/1916-5/4/1979 m. 10/7/1939 s/w Dorris
Costlow, Dorris Owens 3/23/1918-4/20/1982 s/w Buford
Watkins, Paula Beth 9/24/1955-9/25/1955 d/o Mr & Mrs Jack Watkins
Watkins, Julian 12/18/1905-5/4/1979 s/w Leotho
Watkins, Leotho 11/20/1904-8/18/1997 s/w Julian
Row 3
McKinney, Kendall Lynn 2/20/1964-3/2/1998 Dad
McKinney, Randy Wade 1/25/1958
Bunn, William Ray 8/10/1914-12/6/1994 m. 9/17/1933 s/w Arene
Bunn, Arene Owens 11/10/1915-11/3/1980 s/w William
Medford, Addie L 1877-1954 Our Mother
Medford, J A 11/17/1870-1/24/1943
Costlow, William 11/22/1935-3/20/2000
Costlow, Ray Barnett 4/14/1929-9/16/1978 m. 5/26/1949 s/w Bernice Keen
Keen, Bernice H 2/15/1933-8/2/1997 s/w Ray Costlow
Costlow, Percy L 7/18/1890-12/19/1984 s/w Nellie
Costlow, Nellie J 7/23/1893-8/7/1964 s/w Percy
Evans, Troy Damon 12/20/1934-9/20/1938
Montrose, D S 9/14/1871-10/29/1950
Nelson, H F 2/14/1829?-12/11/1875
Nelson, Mary E ?4/23/1865-7/23/1866 d/o HF & Laura Aged 15 months [stone sideways next to HF]
Bundrick, Lester R 5/31/1946-3/26/1990 m. 6/16/1966 s/w Florence
Bundrick, Florence B 5/23/1948 Children: Richard, Denise s/w Lester
Nowlen, Littleton d. 8/30/1896 Mason Lodge #87 New Salem
Row 4
Johnson, Benton 9/6/1906-11/24/1992 m. 12/23/1935 s/w Anna
Johnson, Anna 2/22/1917- s/w Benton
Scogin, Danny Joe 5/20/1970-6/19/1993
Scogin, James Edell 12/26/1919-5/16/1983 s/w Ruby
Scogin, Ruby Dee 10/1/1919- s/w James
Chamberlain, Hayward E 1912-1979 s/w Lorie
Chamberlain, Lorie M 1916-2002 s/w Hayward
Chamberlain, Miles Anderson II "Andy" 4/30/1975-7/28/1975
Townley, Vernice May 8/17/1914-5/15/1929
Townley, Fred Douglas 9/29/1884-10/28/1928 Mason emblem s/w Cereta
Townley, Cereta Ina 1/2/1884-2/12/1965 s/w Fred
Townley, Clifford 7/30/1908-2/7/1982 Daddy
Townley, Dorothy 2/28/1918-7/18/1969
Townley, Fred A 9/21/1945-11/19/1961
Row 5
Walker, T H 4/14/1896-5/30/1965 s/w Essie
Walker, Essie F 2/18/1900-6/3/1985 s/w TH
Walker, Floyd 1/16/1916-12/12/1933 s/w Jack
Walker, Jack 7/5/1929-1/9/1949 s/w Floyd
Bradley, Rebecca Ann 1875-1941
Bradley, John Robert 1847-1923
Slover, W W d. 1872
Bradley, Julia d. 1871
Higenbotham, Mary d. 1871
Evans, James E 1/2/1891-6/20/1982 m. 12/22/1912 s/w Nannie
Evans, Nannie P 2/2/1892-7/10/1964 s/w James
Evans, Laller Schultz 9/24/1921-3/2/1999
Evans, Hershal E 4/16/1919-8/30/1994 m. 2/2/1945 s/w Frances
Evans, Frances H 6/24/1918- s/w Hershal
Klause, Ted A 2/24/1910-4/20/1972 Children: Gary T, Fondren, Teddy Jo s/w Nellie
Klause, Nellie J 10/6/1918-12/18/1983 s/w Ted
Burchfield, Thomas Jackson "Tommy Jack" 3/21/1974-8/21/1999
Burchfield, Andrew Jackson "Jackie" 8/21/1942-9/9/1991
Bass, William B 1910-1953
Turnipseed, E A D (McClarty, Sam?) 2/3/1854-9/29/1882 Aged 28-7-26 Mason Lodge #87 New Salem
Barnett, Bizzell 2/18/1885-1/13/1896 s/o HC & AE
Barnett, Annie E 2/3/1862-2/3/1897 w/o Dr. HC
Broken stone - illegible
Bass, Ethel Barnett 4/19/1887-10/6/1965
Bradley, Infant s/o JR & Addie age 6 months
Row 6
Barnett, Dr. H C 1850-1935 Mason emblem
Lusty, Dorothy Shipley 5/20/1949-12/18/1994
Slover, Baby
Parnell, Daniel d. 1891 s/w Nancy
Parnell, Nancy d. 1868 s/w Daniel
Parnell, Daniel CO A Baylor's TEX CAV CSA
Parnell, Emma d. 1870
Parnell, Bama d. 1871
Grammer, Lana Kaye 9/4/1951-9/27/1951
Mize, Fannie Oct 4 - April 5 age 65
Walker, June LaVerne 4/6/1940 d/o Mr & Mrs Leon Walker
Costlow, Bobby G 5/29/1947-11/10/2000 s/w Mary L
Costlow, Mary L 6/24/1951- s/w Bobby
Costlow, Gary Lynn 9/22/1950-9/13/2001 Dad
Row 7
Costlow, Alvis Owen 6/12/1918-12/12/1971 s/w Nancy
Costlow, Nancy Millicent 4/11/1922- s/w Alvis
Costlow, W H 5/11/1888-5/9/1955 s/w Myrtle
Costlow Myrtle 4/14/1893-7/31/1983 s/w WH
Simmons, Agnes P 1901-1960
Simmons, Leonard 5/12/1893-12/12/1945 Texas PVT HO CO 81 FLD ARTY WWI
Simmons, Infant 1924 son of WA & Mary Etta
Simmons, Mary Etta 1904-1931
Hawkins, Bettye S 1/9/1912-7/6/2003
Simmons, George L 11/11/1868-11/21/1932 s/w Mattie
Simmons, Mattie C 12/9/1869-2/23/1956 s/w George
Acker, William Arthur 10/25/1907-6/15/1975 m. 12/2/1939 s/w Myrtle
Acker, Myrtle Simmons 3/6/1903-10/17/2000 s/w William
Rowell, Lura Simmons 5/16/1917-3/19/1995
Simmons, Rev. W A 1/15/1901-4/1/1972 mason emblem
Simmons, Charlie Ray 12/14/1938-12/8/1995
Jones, Thomas J 4/11/1903-8/7/1971 s/w Dora
Jones, Dora M 2/13/1905-7/29/1987 s/w Thomas
Grammer, Connie Dee 6/23/1902-6/29/1992
Grammer, Reagon Jr 9/30/1932-9/17/1958
Bundrick, Troy Edward 4/4/1923-8/26/1970 Texas PVT 309 ORD MED MAINT CO WWII s/w Martha L
Bundrick, Martha L 3/21/1924- m. 8/7/1943 s/w Troy
Talley, Eliza 10/18/1840-2/21/1934
Atcheson, Mrs Maggie 4/21/1857-12/10/1878 Mother & Baby w/o Buck Maples
Mills, Mary D 5/6/1838-6/23/1870 age 32-1-17
Row 8
Lauve, Eugene 1925-2003
Matthys George William 1/18/1944-7/18/2001 m. 8/16/1969 s/w Kathy
Matthys, Kathy Jo Cleaver 12/24/1949- s/w George
Cleaver, Allen Tatham 3/13/1908-12/11/1999 s/w Katherine
Cleaver, Katherine Lewis 9/30/1914- s/w Allen
Bundrick, Leslie 1893-1947 Papa s/w Alice
Bundrick, Alice 1898-1988 Mama s/w Leslie
Stockton, Conley R 10/18/1909-7/23/1974 s/w Ruth
Stockton, Ruth E 12/27/1919- s/w Conley
Stockton, Conley Rex 4/17/1939-1/7/1967
Lewis, Will A 6/20/1878-5/7/1954 Dad mason emblem
Lewis, Bettie 1870-1927 w/o WA
Lewis, Mary H 2/23/1829-7/2/1907 w/o JA
Lewis, J H 6/21/1856-4/25/1911
Lewis, Ruth 10/13/1910-11/19/1918 d/o JH & AJ
Lewis, Charles A 7/19/1895-9/21/1929 s/o Mr & Mrs JH Lewis
Lewis, Amanda Bolton 3/20/1875-7/3/1971
Swinney, Frankie Magee 6/25/1914-10/14/2000 s/w Raymond
Swinney, Raymond R "Johnny" 7/6/1910-4/11/1978 s/w Frankie
Williamson, James A 12/28/1919-7/28/1941
Costlow, William Hugh Jr 6/28/1926-2/1/1988 F1 US Navy WWII s/w Annie
Costlow, Annie Ruth (Susie) 7/10/1932- m. 6/18/1948 s/w William
*Note that William and Annie had a son buried here but his stone has disappeared. The infant was born in 1949 or 1950 and his grave was located where his Aunt Winnie is now buried.
Row 9
Costlow, Donal D 1/20/1940-6/7/1981 m. 9/7/1962 s/w Francys
Costlow, Francys 11/5/1937- s/w Donal D
Costlow, Infant 2/20/1914 Son of Winnie & Alvis
Costelow, Robbie Jo 8/27/1940-4/11/1941
Costelow, Olen Briant 10/13/1914-12/28/1977 s/w Lennie
Costelow, Lennie Lunett 10/27/1918-9/27/1902 s/w Olen
Bump, Charles 2/12/1939- s/w Linda Carol
Bump, Linda Carol 7/29/1943-6/13/1991 s/w Charles
Wilkerson, Nelda Francis 11/17/1938-2/24/1999
Wilkerson, Haley Lanett 1/7/2002-3/16/2003
Wear, Joseph Michael 8/8/1946-2/28/1901 SGT US Marine Corps Vietnam s/w Patricia
Wear, Patricia C 5/3/1955- m. 1/18/1988 s/w Joseph
Chamberlain, Lonnie Dean 4/22/1958-1/13/1993
Chamberlain Estell Leon 9/15/1924-10/6/1977 PVT US ARMY WWII sw Betty
Chamberlain, Betty 7/26/1930-? s/w Estell
Chamberlain, George Carl 4/27/1908-5/30/1992 s/w Precilla
Chamberlain, Precilla Lorene (Polly) 6/27/1920- s/w George
Chamberlain, Calvin Loyd Jr 8/9/1940-3/25/2003
Chamberlain, Calvin Loyd 8/16/1920- s/w Irene
Chamberlain, Irene 5/11/1924-6/16/193 s/w Calvin
Chamberlain, Miles A 2/5/1884-3/19/1976 s/w Ruth
Chamberlain, Ruth E 9/15/1885-2/2/1958 s/w Miles A
Scogin, Murphy 1891-1975 s/w Nola
Scogin, Nola 1896-1931 s/w Murphy
Row 10
Nichols, Doyle Franklin 12/24/1935-11/22/1940
Nichols, Will 1884-1929 s/w Lula
Nichols, Lula 1880-1951 s/w Will
Nichols, William Ernest 11/7/1906-8/30/1985 s/w Mabel
Nichols, Mabel Brooks 6/12/1914- s/w William
Nichols, R E (Shorty) 2/12/1909-8/29/1994 s/e Maudie
Nichols, Maudie Masters 12/29/1912-7/31/1995 s/w RE
Nichols, Richard C (Rick) 4/15/1949-6/20/1982
Fincannon, Guy H 5/11/1953-7/8/1989
Killingsworth, Dale Bennett 3/26/1950-10/12/1999 s/w Janice
Killingsworth, Janice (Dean) 8/1/1950- s/w Dale
Nichols, Emma Doris 10/3/1930- s/w Calvin
Nichols, Calvin Boyd 4/1/1930- s/w Emma
Row 11
Beams, Anita Gay 8/28/1962-
Brooks, Linual L 1/13/1923-1/9/1936
Brooks, Howard R 3/16/1919-12/30/1935
Brooks, J C 3/8/1868-7/5/1926 s/w Mattie
Brooks, Mattie 2/21/1972-3/12/1965 s/w JC
Brooks, Lacy 11/23/1901
Campbell, Lillie Mae 6/6/1906-7/29/1930
Campbell, Gurla L 11/24/1895-2/8/1955
Campbell, Cobb B 2/28/1893-5/25/1980 PVT US ARMY WWI
Row 12
Brooks, Ernest Jr 7/13/1927- m. 3/15/1947 s/w Algie Dean
Brooks, Algie Dean 1/17/1931-? s/w Ernest
Brooks, Dorothy Cole 12/16/1923-6/9/1998
DeFoor, William D Sr 5/28/1934-3/20/1998 m. 3/16/1957 s/w Mary Gayle
DeFoor, Mary Gayle 9/26/1935- s/w William D
Swink, Joe Bailey 11/7/1908-7/22/1965 TX PVT CO B 611 TD BN s/w Nannie Vera
Swink, Nannie Vera 10/3/1914-10/7/1997 s/w Joe Bailey
Hodges, Noah J 10/6/1878-5/6/1965 Father
Hodges, Lela Ann 6/2/1878-9/28/1939 Mother
Odom, Charles Kevin 1/15/1963-6/21/1963
Odom, Kimberly Jo 7/21/1965-7/21/1964
Heath, Ray Barnett 1/10/1925-7/7/2000
Heath, Mattie 12/4/1898-11/21/1979
Heath, David K 4/20/1878-2/4/1956
Heath, Elsie Bird 1919-1922
(Inside Fenced area)
Chancellor, Mary Ann 11/24/1844-9/30/1868 age 23y, 10m, 6d w/o J.H.
? , Cornelia Jane almost illegible - could be w/o J.H. Chancellor
McDowell, Nancy A Jodson 7/4/1848-11/16/1867 age 19y, 4m, 12d w/o Z.R. d/o JJ & ML Chancellor
Daton, Mathew L 4/22/1833-5/19/1869 Masonic symbol
2 large broken stones on one grave
Chancellor, Harriet E Atcheson 1848-1883 w/o J.H. Chancellor
Moore, Aunt Eliza 8/9/1850-6/22/1931
(End fence area)
Wellick, Leo C 11/24/1912-2/10/1993 s/w Edna A
Wellick, Edna A 12/16/10- s/w Leo
Whitehead, Buddy R 2/2/1938-5/15/2000 m. 32 years s/w Faye Branham
Whitehead, Faye Branham 7/10/1933-8/8/2008 s/w Buddy R
Row 13
Branham, James Earl 5/15/1949-5/25/1949
Branham, James Earl 2/6/1971-2/6/1971
Stockton, Bobby Dewayne 8/26/1937-5/7/2002
Heath, Louisa 4/14/1847-5/31/1927 Mother
Heath, Ella P 8/30/1887-4/4/1919
Heath, Charlie Pace 6/22/1934-8/8/1935
Ham, Curtis Eugene 7/19/1929-10/8/1990 m. 2/24/1967 US ARMY KOREA Daddy s/w Syble
Ham, Syble Linthicum 5/31/1929- Mother s/w Curtis Eugene
A large area with stone border which contains these names
Barnett, H. C. MD 8/23/32
Shelton, Mrs. F
Hart, Shelton
Shelton, Baby
Shelton, D. R. (or Dr.)
Hart, Mattie
Row 14
Linthicum, John Hollis 1/2/1906-12/18/1960 m. 7/28/1928 s/w Pearlie Mae
Linthicum, Pearlie Mae 1/8/1912- s/w John Hollis
Linthicum, Tom G 8/4/1898-6/4/1968 Daddy s/w Erma Lee
Linthicum, Erma Lee 6/19/1909-9/10/1998 Mother s/w Tom G
Dennis, W. J. 1867-1923 Masonic symbol
Dennis, Emma C 3/19/1881-5/12/1918 w/o W. J. WOTW
Stanford, Cleo Clyde "Stan" 4/7/1919-3/12/1988 m. 5/17/1974 SSGT US ARMY WWII s/w Kay
Stanford, Kay 7/16/1925- s/w Cleo
Bailey, Ivan C 8/16/1910-11/3/1993 s/w Letha
Bailey, Letha M 11/2/1912- s/w Ivan C
Rivers, Willie C Scott 1915-1997 Mother
Weatherford, Ivin 10/27/1906-1/4/1979 s/w Rena
Weatherford, Rena Faye 12/9/1911- s/w Ivin
Weatherford, Walter W 1872-1943 s/w Clara
Weatherford, Clara E 1871-1947 s/w Walter
Branham, William J 8/8/1890-5/30/1976 PVT US ARMY WWI s/w Mae
Branham, Mae 1/22/1900-12/10/1969 s/w William J
Branham, Samuel D "Buck" 4/13/1923-8/25/1989 SP7 US ARMY WWII KOREA s/w Ellen
Branham, Ellen A 6/1/1917-11/22/1981 s/w Samuel
Row 15
Hale, James Edward 12/15/1925-3/9/2002 m. 10/1/1949 S1 US ARMY WWII s/w Wilma
Hale, Wilma B 8/18/1929- s/w James Edward
Weatherford, Erby Ray 4/2/1915-2/25/1998 m. 7/25/1936 s/w Mary Eva
Weatherford, Mary Eva 2/18/1919-4/23/1997 s/w Erby
Pierson, M. W. 12/20/1822-8/24/1887
Pierson, ??hronia? ??/26/1826-12/21/1884 consort of M. W. S.L.P. on footstone
Pierson, H. F. 7/17/1858-3/23/1884 h/o Ellen J Knights & Ladies Mutual Aid ? Supreme Council, Supreme Treasurer
Linthicum, Barney Ben Sr. 4/13/1935-10/10/2001
Linthicum, Hollis Wayne 4/16/1931-1/14/1977 m. 9/1/1951 Daddy s/w Mary Louise
Linthicum, Mary Louise 7/29/1935-2/20/1988 s/w Barney
E C D (stone has just these letters, located between Mary L Lithicum and Troy Lithicum)
Linthicum, Troy 1/29/1952-1/30/1952 s/w Coy
Linthicum, Coy 1/29/1952-1/30/1952 s/w Troy
Parrott, Mrs. J. E. 6/19/1849-1/10/1933 m/o J H Lithicum Sr.
Linthicum, Henry E 11/23/1890-10/15/1917 WOTW
Linthicum, Elizabeth 1867-1927 s/w Hubbard
Linthicum, Hubbard 1868-1958 s/w Elizabeth
Linthicum, Bessie 1896-1958
Little, Harvey A 11/26/1905- m. 7/13/1935 Dad s/w Jimmie
Little, Jimmie E 5/14/1920- Mom s/w Harvey
Little, Martha Rue 8/2/1947-7/23/1965
Bundrick, Lester G "Bill" 7/4/1929-8/13/1959 TX WO Transportation Corps
McKnight, J. R. 3/27/1840-9/28/1921 Masonic symbol s/w Fannie
McKnight, Fannie 5/1/1844-11/12/1927 his wife s/w J. R.
McKnight, J. R. "Dick" 6/29/1881-3/19/1977 s/w Annie Lee
McKnight, Annie Lee 8/4/1888-6/7/1975 s/w Dick
McKnight, Bridwell 6/2/1914-1/15/1945 TX LT USNR WWII
McGee, Robert Lacy 5/17/1921- s/w Theda
McGee, Theda R 3/25/1921- s/w Robert Lacy
Row 16
Bradshaw, Sidney Herbert 3/12/1910-12/16/1995 m. 10/8/1955 s/w Reba
Bradshaw, Reba Fay 11/11/1909- s/w Sidney
Roddy, Aunt Martha age 79 years
Roddy, W. M. 10/31/1889-6/21/1927
Rody, Mattie 18??-1907 [spelled as on stone]
Compton, Annie 11/15/1893-11/3/1913 d/o C. C. & G. A.
Compton, C. C. 1858-1925 Father
Compton, Gorgia Ann 1862-1958 Mother
Bundrick, Emma Victoria 1/30/1894-6/18/1978 s/w James Manly
Bundrick, James Manly 6/9/1894-1/17/1986 s/w Emma
Bundrick, Travis O 5/26/1927-8/4/1974 SSGT Ret SSGT US Air Force
Prosser, Cecil Bryan 6/26/1920-12/19/2000
Prosser, Dorothy Watkins 9/5/1928-12/1/1947
Watkins, James Lee 2/3/1933-8/11/1994 [brick & trowel on stone]
Watkins, Lee 10/16/1874-11/10/1962 Masonic symbol s/w Juddie
Watkins, Juddie 6/19/1880-8/31/1968 s/w Lee
Weatherby, Walter J 1873-1953 s/w Mattie
Weatherby, Mattie W 1869-1950 s/w Walter
Row 17
Guinn, Iva Lenna 4/1/1913-8/16/1916
Guinn, Jeda Willard 11/8/1913-11/25/1913
Beiard, Mrs. Emma F 3/6/1868-10/4/1892
Haws, Kelly Leon 11/6/1918-9/11/1998 m. 9/27/1973 Masonic symbol s/w Alice
Haws, Alice L 10/15/1931- s/w Kelly
Cain, Cora "Cody" C 3/8/1927-7/6/1998
Arnwine, William D 5/11/1902-3/12/1984 s/w Velma
Arnwine, Velma 2/26/1911-3/26/1992 s/w William D
Arnwine, Monnie 1877-1953 s/w Scott
Arnwine, Scott 1868-1944 s/w Monnie
Arnwine, Sudie Foy baby of W.S. & M.M.
Forman, N. S. 5/10/1841-7/17/1906 b. Talladega, Alabama
Forman, Martha S. 7/18/1848-4/27/1918 Aunt Martha
Washburn, Mary Watkins 9/30/1850-3/27/1926 Mother
Avant, Crawford 1850-1879 b. Perry Co, AR, d. Henderson Co, TX, wife Evaline Chambers m. 1/1/1871 Henderson Co, daughters Dora Belle b. 1872 Henderson Co, Mary Mollie b. 1875 Henderson Co.
Williams, L. E. 9/27/1850-2/11/1900 s/w H. J.
Williams, H. J. 11/??/1847-4/8/1916 s/w L. E.
Avant, Mrs. Mary G. 3/2/1875-12/29/1896 (almost illegible)
Large Rock
McKnight, C. W. 12/2/1870?-5/29/1914? (illegible)
McKnight, Zula 9/18/1896-10/22/1902 d/o G.W. & L.B.
McKnight?, Laura B 9/10/1874?-9/??/1906? (almost illegible)
Parnell, James Woodroe 5/15/1918-12/21/1918
Parnell, Baby
Parnell, J. B. 1/5/1879-1/14/1976 Mason s/w Ibbie
Parnell, Ibbie 3/10/1887-4/6/1959 s/w J.B.
Vaughn, Alice Mizzell 1855-1918
Parnell, Jess 6/4/1904-8/6/1981 m. 1/9/1937 s/w Jane
Parnell, Jane C 3/10/1918- s/w Jess
Byrd, James Oliver 11/18/1924-12/13/1988 m. 3/9/1945 Daddy Mason s/w Billie Jean
Byrd, Billie Jean 3/10/1927- Mother s/w James Oliver
Last row
Adams, Infant Son of Willie & Jeanette 9/20/1981
Compton, Hughes 10/2/1904-05/29/1992 m. 9/11/1926 S/w Buna M
Compton, Buna M 3/21/1910-10/13/1994 s/w Hughes
Compton, Arvel M 10/22/1897- ???? PVT US Army WWII s/w Velma E
Compton, Velma E 3/29/1901-07/18/1971 s/w Arvel M
Arnold, Barbara Ann Compton 6/18/1933-7/27/1975
Compton, Fred R 12/5/1907-1/17/1997 s/w Elizabeth Hodge
Compton, Elizabeth Hodge 11/2/1906-7/23/1985 s/w Fred R
Allee, Frances 10/31/1904-1/16/1991 Mother s/w Glendean Murrell
Murrell, Glendean 9/17/1926-11/10/1982 Daughter s/w Frances Allee
Allee, Raymond E 1895-1977 SGT US Army WWI
Pope, Martha A 4/5/1896-5/17/1979
Hodges, Noah E 1911-1994 s/w Nell I
Hodges, Nell I 1914- s/w Noah E
McClellan, Lola Beatrice 6/22/1916-2/4/1982 Our Beloved Sister
Allen, Barbara Bunn - reserved
Allen, Jimmie Lee - reserved
Prothro, Hugh Douglas 1/11/1915-2/9/1996 PFC US Army WWII
McLeod, Charlie Joe 2/17/1981-2/26/1989
Wyatt, Rebecca Ann 3/13/1959-8/9/1997 s/w Roger Dale
Wyatt, Roger Dale 1/22/1959-9/5/1998 s/w Rebecca Ann
Mason, Leon Aubry 11/17/1909-9/13/1990 m. 4/30/1938 s/w Claudia Long
Mason, Claudia Long 9/29/1905-4/28/1977 s/w Leon
Rasberry, Carl L 3/17/1936-6/24/1997 s/w Patsy P
Rasberry, Patsy P 4/12/1935- s/w Carl L
Holmes, Otho B 4/7/1896-8/27/1969
Holmes, Virgil 10/25/1904-6/14/1973
Holmes, Frances 6/8/1924-12/3/1976
Row 18
Medford, Durant "Dude" 10/9/1911-3/25/1986 s/w Mosetta
Medford, Mosetta 12/30/1908-12/24/1961 s/w Durant
Parnell, Caroline 1837-1921
Broken stone with metal cover
Mizzell, Mary Ellen Simmons 12/8/1859-6/17/1902 w/o JM
Perritt, Claude J 3/20/1889-5/31/1944
Compton, Levie Ruth 5/13/1875-1/16/1966
Compton, Callie 1781-1908 s/w James
Compton, James A 1855-1940 s/w Callie
Treadwell, Infant 3/19/1923-3/21/1923 s/o Mr & Mrs JS
Compton, Scott 1902-1923
Treadwell, John Smith 10/20/1891-11/1/1974 m. 10/19/1913 s/w Martha
Treadwell, Martha Jane 10/28/1893-11/4/1965 s/w John
Joseph, John W 3/25/1903-3/19/1997 m. 7/6/1939 s/w Ruby
Joseph, Ruby 9/9/1914-4/28/1988 s/w John
Sanders, D F 11/24/1842-8/3/1922
Christie, Ovie 4/28/1908-1/4/1986 m. 11/21/1930 s/w Elsieline
Christie, Elsieline 8/6/1915-4/18/1997 parents of Fay, Martha, B L, & Linda s/w Ovie
Mays, Vernon B 9/24/1885-7/19/1970 s/w Ethel
Mays, Ethel L 12/8/1896-12/22/1988 s/w Vernon
Row 19
Gaddy?, Lela 12/23/1982-8/1/1887 d/o W. ?. & ?. A.
Mays, Bennie B 5/7/1883-1/7/1920
Mays, William W 1/23/1844-? [stone buried] s/w Mary
Mays, Mary Elizabeth 3/29/1842-? s/w William
Infant [between Mary E Mays & Nancy H Williams]
Williams, Nancy H 8/19/1808-6/17/1878
Infant [between Nancy Williams and a wall]
Reynolds, Scott E 2/3/1916-3/30/1978 s/w Tommy
Reynolds, Tommy Treadwell 8/16/1916-6/29/1997 s/w Scott
McGregor, Lynn Wood 9/30/1936-5/26/1996 Dad m. 5/22/1954 s/w Daun
McGregor, Daun Merlyn 9/6/1938-? Mom s/w Lynn
Hodges, L J "Bogie" 10/27/1918-7/26/1996 Mason s/w Audrey
Hodges, Audrey P 7/15/1917-? s/w LJ
Lee, Jewel (Hunt) 4/17/1903-12/27/1992 Mother
Lee, Isaac E 5/1/1888-11/23/1980 m. 6/23/1908 s/w Leonora
Lee, Leonora White 9/2/1886-12/25/1941 s/w Isaac
Peterson, Henry Arthur 8/13/1885-2/25/1958 s/w Bessie
Peterson, Bessie Compton 8/6/1894-9/27/1988 s/w Henry
Compton, Ethel Love 2/2/1894-12/24/1959
Robbins, Dorothy Love 1/11/1923-7/28/1924
Compton, Jack 5/27/1867-11/15/1950 s/w Mollie
Compton, Mollie 2/4/1867-1/25/1965 s/w Jack
Compton, Monnie May 11/15/1896-10/7/1964
Wilson, J M 1835-4/9/1880 h/o Jennie
Washburn, Martha 3/6/1843-8/4/1885
Washburn. W P 9/12/1845-2/26/1921
Medford, Clara 1871-1923
Medford, Jerry Dean 8/6/1935-1/29/1936 s/o Mr & Mrs WP
Medford, Y J 1864-1937
Medford, Odis "Boss" 11/20/1893-9/7/1972 TEXAS PFC CO E 3 INFANTRY WI s/w Susie
Medford, Susie M 10/20/1907-6/29/1998 [says "Son John" between them] s/w Odis
Row 20
Wilson, Jennie 10/14/1854-12/14/1927 Mother s/w Ida Williams
Williams, Ida 2/12/1877-6/14/1925 s/w Jennie Wilson
Atcheson, Mrs. Mary 1/11/1816-9/6/1895 Mother s/w DM
Atcheson, D M 4/14/1841-4/7/1924 Son s/w Mary
Autrey, Elizabeth 1/15/1837-12/22/1908 w/o CW
Autrey, C W 2/19/1835-12/17/1910 age 74-10-10
Washburn, Maggie E 1/9/1885-10/25/1970 s/w Earnest
Washburn, Earnest G 8/9/1874-6/11/1971 s/w Maggie
Baxter, James R 6/13/1887-2/3/1974 TEXAS CPL US ARMY WWI s/w Lorene
Baxter, Lorene Swink 4/10/1903-7/3/1992 s/w James
Rains, Bernice Corley 9/6/1914-3/21/1992
Corley, R W 1912-1932
Corley, R L 1874-1931 Father s/w JE
Corley, J E 1875-1972 Mother s/w RL
Childers, Helen Corley 8/25/1897-6/29/1986
Lee, Bobbie Jack 7/12/1923-9/30/1970 TEXAS S1 USNR WWII s/w Willie
Lee, Willie V 6/20/1926-? s/w Bobbie
Lee, William Herward 9/11/1921-10/6/1982 TEXAS US ARMY WWII s/w Darlene
Lee, Darlene Strong 2/8/1926-11/10/1997 m. 11/23/1945 s/w William
Treadwell, J T 7/22/1866-7/5/1931 s/w Minnie
Treadwell, Minnie 10/27/1872-6/4/1953 s/w JT
Treadwell, Marvin Timothy 12/22/1889-3/26/1961
Treadwell, Ralph Edward 12/10/1912-10/28/1995
Lawrence, Mays b & d 7/26/1890 s/o CM & Bettie s/w Ouida
Lawrence, Ouida 3/12/1892-6/9/1892 d/o CM & Bettie s/w Mays
Row 21
Childress, Pinkney 8/26/1883-9/16/1938 m. 12/11/1910 s/w Vickie
Childress, Vickie 6/29/1885-2/7/1976 s/w Pinkney
Skinner, Houston J 9/12/1829-10/20/1904 s/w Sarah
Skinner, Sarah C Moore 1/7/1832-10/8/1912 s/w Houston J
Evans, Earl R 12/31/1939-6/26/1989
Evans, Ralph R 4/9/1911-4/15/1982 m. 9/24/1932 s/w Rita
Evans, Rita 2/8/1915-12/21/1983 s/w Ralph
Evans, Jerry W 1933-1996
Treadwell, Jewell [no dates]
Treadwell, Harp [no dates]
Conway, Mary Elizabeth Cole 12/20/1927-6/13/1993
Norman, Selton E 1/21/1899-6/8/1980 PVT US ARMY WWI s/w Gracie
Norman, Gracie A 4/24/1901-11/22/1979 s/w Selton
Norman, William R 12/3/1875-1/30/1943
Norman, Mary L 5/30/1860-7/7/1916 w/o WR
Brooks, Paul D 6/11/1884-9/12/1980 s/w Minnie
Brooks, Minnie E 7/6/1895-10/23/1988 s/w Paul
Moore, Cleo Brooks 4/5/1917-7/11/1984 m. 4/20/1935 s/w Royce
Moore, Royce Louis 3/21/1916-1/12/1994 s/w Cleo K.B.M.
Brown, ? [metal marker]
Buckner, Edna d/o Mr & Mrs RL "dates unknown"
Buckner, Annie Reeves "dates unknown"
Buckner, Infant s/o Mr & Mrs RL "dates unknown"
Robertson, Floyd W 5/31/1915-2/12/1985 PFC US ARMY WWII s/w Tempy
Robertson, Tempy D 10/26/1924-12/15/2000 m. 12/26/1942 s/w Floyd
Row 22
Deaton, Lee O 10/15/1922-10/28/1983 US ARMY WWII
Deaton, Mathew L 4/15/1895-4/11/1970 TEXAS US ARMY [stone buried] s/w Vada
Deaton, Vada Owens 6/16/1901-5/9/1992 m. 5/8/1920 s/w Mathew
Owens, Lela 1866-1938
Owens, Jesse 1860-1935
Robertson, Ida O 1887-1977
Robertson, J W 6/3/1876-2/28/1930
Robertson, Infant 1915 s/o Mr & Mrs JW
Bunn, Ether Barton 3/8/1915-4/12/1970
Bunn, Ether S 9/24/1879-1/1/1962 s/w Ethel
Bunn, Ethel A 1/17/1883-9/12/1967 s/w Ether
Boles, Fay Bunn 1/27/1912-6/28/1955
Bunn, ? 1/20/1907-12/14/1912 s/o ES & Ethel age 5-10-14
Bunn, Infant ?6/26/1894? s/o ES & Ethel
Bunn, Mary Anne Penelope 1855-1932 s/w Warrenton
Bunn, Warrenton Dunwood 1853-1908 s/w Mary
Troutman, Tiny Bunn 8/16/1897-10/23/1992
Penney, Glenn 8/25/1867-6/28/1902 s/w Phenner
Penney, Phenner Treadwell 11/19/1871/1/12/1943 s/w Glenn
Penney, H B 2/19/1896-6/20/1902
Row 23
Miller, Ivan M 1/29/1944-? m. 5/12/1962 s/w Patricia
Miller, Patricia J 2/26/1944-12/20/2002 s/w Ivan
Williams, Jack Lee 3/3/1919-2/19/1992 US ARMY WWII
Williams, Mary Frances 10/28/1916-12/29/1995
Foster, Jack died 9/1931
Parker, Cecil Odell 5/8/1928-4/24/1996 Mason US ARMY KOREA s/w Melva
Parker, Melva Joan 10/16/1931-? m. 5/10/1949 s/w Cecil
Noska, Alois 6/8/1902-? s/w Ethelder
Noska, Ethelder 10/13/1891-? s/w Alois
Koeing, Jesse R 8/15/1933-12/25/1957
Holmes, Arther Henery 1/21/1896-3/8/1933
Holmes, H S 4/14/1869-1/24/1944 s/w Angia
Holmes, Angia 9/8/1870-7/27/1961 s/w HS
Roberts, Henry 10/57/1921-3/9/2000 s/w Mary
Roberts, Mary C 8/26/1900-11/8/1983 s/w Henry
Wilson, Ruby Fay 1/17/1916-5/16/1971
Munroe, Belle 5/1/1860-7/26/1925 w/o DWR
Allen, Ola Monroe 1886-194? [broken]
Bunn, Cecil F 5/31/1877-9/6/1958 s/w Irene
Bunn, Irene Wiggins 2/14/1888-9/19/1953 s/w Cecil
Roskos, Edward Paul 10/28/1925-7/17/2002 US NAVY WWII s/w Dana
Roskos, Dana Joy Bunn 9/15/1923-? m. 11/3/1945 s/w Edward
Bunn, Marcus allan 10/19/1917-12/8/2002 SSGT US ARMY AIR FORCES WWII s/w Syble
Bunn, Syble Harrell 1/15/1918-? s/w Marcus
Norman, Bettie 2/24/1900-4/28/1928
Treadwell, Stephen W 6/10/1860-5/7/1940